Chapter 11 Lord Megatron Is Back

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Faith POV

I woke up and there I was still sitting down on Lord Megatron shoulder. I saw Knockout working on a datapad. I decided to ask him something.

"Knockout could you do me a scan and tell me what's wrong with my body. Why is it that my blue eye changes to blood red and my purple eye that I have cover with my eyepatch start to glow more purple" I asked.

"Will Faith let see what's wrong with you then" he said then pick me up. He sent me down to a table. He then brought his scanner and then green light start to come toward my body. When the scan was done I saw Knockout eyes wide.

"What wrong Knockout. What wrong with my body" I asked.

"It says here that your part Cybertronian" he said making me wide my eyes.

"Wait, what but how is that possible" I asked.

"I don't really know but the scan shows that you have Cybertronians parts in your body. Mostly your eyes, heart, and inside organs. They all have parts of Cybertronians" he said.

"But wait what does that have to do that my left eye glows purple and my right eye turn blood red" I asked.

"Will for some kind of reason you have Energon and Dark Energon in your body. Your left eyes is full of Dark Energon that will be the reason why it glows purple." he said.

"But doesn't Energon kills human" I said

"It does but for some kind of reason the Energon and Dark Energon combine with your human body DNA" he said.

"So my left eye has dark Energon and my right eye has normal Energon. That why they are like that" I asked.

"Yes and for your Cybertronian part I still don't know how is it possible but I will try and research some more" he said.

"Okay Knockout thank you" I said.

"Should I inform Soundwave about this Faith" Knockout asked. I shook my head.

"No Knockout. I tell him later in the day" I said. He nods then put me on his shoulder.

"Knockout could you take me over toward Megatron quarters. My room is there" I said he nods then left me in front of the door.

I wave goodbye then went inside. I head over to my bedroom closet and got some clothes. I saw on my phone that we were in the Arctic so it was scold. I choose some winter clothes and head to the shower.

When I was finished showering I put my clothes on and head out.

When I was finished showering I put my clothes on and head out

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I then start to walk over to where Soundwave was at. When I got there I saw him on the computer.

"Soundwave what is the idiot Starscream doing this time" I asked. He turns around and then sends me a text. I open it and saw that he was using some kind of giant telescopic lenses to melt the ice in Arctic and get the energon.

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