Chapter 18: Aftermath

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Authors Note: I had major writers block for this chapter, so sorry if it is somwhat boring and short. The good parts should be coming up so get ready! I'd love to read your comments, advice, and critisism. If you see any mistakes or what you think may be then please comment, comment, comment! I will try to finish this story soon so I can start on my other story that I have planned. Vote, fan, and comment if you enjoy my story. Please! Participate in this story, it'll make me sooooo happy! I love you all and thank you so much for the support! xoxox now on to the story ;)

After being in the hospital for a week, I was discharged. I should be happy, but Bentley is still in the hospital. He hasn’t woken up and every time I look at him with machines helping him breathe, it breaks my heart. My baby boy, the doctors say he doesn’t know if he’d make it. They say they are trying everything possible but I feel as if they could do more. He has a broken leg, a broken arm, and a cracked rib. His face is covered in bandages where the glass cut him. “Babe, you need to go home and rest. You’re pregnant with twins, this couch is not comfortable, and this stress is too much for you.” Derrick whispered in my ear as I sat there with my hand wrapped around Bentley’s

“I’m not leaving here until my baby wakes up,” I answered, trying not to break down in tears.

“I understand, but please, don’t stress.” Derrick retorted.

I felt something squeeze my hand, lightly, waking me up out of my nap that I was unaware of having. I opened my eyes to meet those beautiful blue eyes. “Bentley!” I cried out.

“Mommy, it hurts.” He whimpered.

“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.” I kissed his head softly before calling the doctors in.

“What is it, ma’am?” The doctor was cut off realizing Bentley was up.

Derrick trailed in behind him, setting the food down nearby, “He is awake!” He noted, hugging me and then kissing me.

“We have to run some test on him and see when he’ll be ready to go home. I must say you are lucky because most of the cases I’ve seen like this didn’t turn out good.” The doctor responded truthfully. I called everybody in the family to inform them the good news. After a few hours of the doctors running test on Bentley, the doctor stated we could leave today.

Juggling a two year old who has a broken arm, a broken leg, and a cracked rib while having a broken leg yourself and being pregnant with is a difficult task but Derrick has helped me tremendously. When Derrick goes off to work, my mom comes and helps. I have one class to finish and I will graduate. They are allowing me to do the school work at home since the circumstances I am under. My job is allowing me to do the paper work over the computer until I can get out of the house. My mom helped me cope with the loss of my unborn baby boy. I realized that it wasn’t meant to be. I heard Derrick’s phone ringing while he was in the shower. “Answer that!” He shouted from the shower.

“Hey baby,” Answered the other line when I picked up the phone to an unknown number.

“Uhh, who’s this?” I asked, accusingly.

“Wrong number,” they said suspiciously before hanging up.

“Wrong number, I guess…” I stated, sadly. I hope that it was but my gut was telling me different. “Would you ever cheat on me?” I asked Derrick with a sad smile.

“What the fuck? No, never! Why?” He walked over, putting my face between his hands.

“A girl called saying hey baby and when I asked who’s this, she said wrong number then hung up. Don’t ever cheat on me, ever.” I retorted with tears welling in my eyes.

“Babe, if they said it was a wrong number then it was a wrong number. I love you and I won’t cheat on you.” He replied.

“I love you, too.” I stated, not wanting to go any further in the conversation. I tried to stop thinking about it, but I couldn’t. “If this ever gets too much, you don’t want to be with me, or anything like that then leave me, but please, don’t cheat on me… I don’t think I can handle the heart break…” I added on.

“Babe, stop talking like that,” He pulled me in for a kiss. I heard the doorbell ring and Derrick stood up, saying, “I’ll get it,” I nodded my head and turn my attention to the TV.

“Hey girly,” Jessica peered through the door.

“Hello,” I smiled with a sly smile.

“I sent Derrick to the store to get two gallons of ice cream for us, all kinds of chocolate candy, pickles, and baked hot Cheetos. I also brought a bunch of your favorite movies to cheer you up. We are going to talk all night long because I can see you are down like Charlie Brown.” My best friend stated, crawling into bed with me.

“Are we kicking Derrick out?” I asked, feeling happier.

“Yes,” She laughed wickedly.

Derrick arrived with the junk food and decided he was going to go hang out with his friend Jonathon. “So what’s wrong?” She asked, stuffing a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

“I have a bad feeling in my gut that Derrick is cheating on me,” I started off, looking down.

“He better not!” She almost shouted. “Tell me why,” She insisted.

“I feel like that every time I have a dream or bad feeling while pregnant is true. I dreamed I had triplets that were two girls and a boy, it was true. I dreamed that we had a wreck, we did. I have been having dreams and feelings that Derrick is cheating on me.”

“Maybe it is just a random number,” She stated after I finished telling her my suspicions.

“I hope so… I swear, Jessica, it’ll crush my fucking heart if he hurts me. And the bad thing is, I would probably take him back,” I responded, honestly. “This is way too much for me, Jessica. I don’t know what to do anymore. I have a broken leg, pregnant with twins, found out I was having triplets, just to find out one died, feeling like Derrick is cheating on me, and Bentley being hurt bad. I’m only seventeen.” I didn’t realize I was crying until Jessica wrapped me in her arms.

“Listen to me; you are the strongest person I have ever met. You’ve gotten through so much and I know you will get through this. I got your back, no matter what happens. So don’t you dare say that this is too much for you.” Jessica reassured me.

“Thank you. These past few days have been tiring. I’m sorry to cut girls night short but I’m going to go to sleep. I love you,” I hugged Jessica before crawling under my covers and falling to sleep quickly.

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