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welcome to chapter one! this chapter is v poorly written because i can't write unromantic stuff. i promise that the story gets good in chapter two :)


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I felt slightly nervous as I reluctantly approached the small, foreign building.


read a sign on the door. I hesitantly walked up to it. You may think I didn't want to do this, but that's not it. I was really excited! I'd gone to another drama class since I was about twelve and I absolutely loved it. The only reason I quit was the fact that those classes were only about acting; I wanted to do musicals where I could sing and dance.

The class wasn't supposed to start for another twenty minutes so I didn't expect anyone to be there, but to my surprise, I was wrong. As I opened the door I walked into a big, white room with coat hangers and drawings by kids decorating the walls. On the floor was a brown carpet and green chairs were placed in the corner, next to two couches of the same colour. A girl was reading a book, laying on a couch as if she owned the place, but she quickly stood—or more like stumbled—up as I entered.

"Hello! Are you the new guy?" She looked about my age and had short, brown hair. Her cute, green crop top and matching skirt perfectly fit the colour of the sofa she'd been laying on, which looked quite funny.

"That would be me", I said, putting on a friendly smile. "I'm Jeon Jungkook."

The girl grinned. "I'm Jung Eunbi, but I prefer Eunha since another girl here's also called Eunbi. I was actually waiting for you, so come with me! Ms Choi told me to get here early and give a tour of the place, if you'd like one."

I nodded. "Seems great."

The building was not big at all, just about five rooms, so the tour didn't take more than ten minutes. Eunha showed me the stage, some rooms where they stored costumes, the changing rooms, and the bathroom. Apparently they rehearsed everything, including dancing, on the stage, which looked like something that had been built and painted black by hand. Same thing with the fabrics and curtains hanging around it. The stage was quite big though, and there was a piano in the front, left corner. We couldn't actually go in, since there were currently young kids running around on the floor of the stage. In the corner stood a woman of about 50, who I assumed was Choi Jikyung, the drama teacher. She waved and mouthed a "hi!" when she saw us peek in.

"She's, like, the nicest woman in the world," Eunha said in a low voice, a smile on her lips. "Just don't argue with other people in the group, and she'll love you." That made me less nervous, I was good at not arguing.

The place was alot smaller than my last drama club, but it was cozy. I already liked it there. Eunha and I chatted a bit as we walked and I found out that she was 17 like me and had been a part of the theatre for three years. She seemed nice, I hoped we could be friends.

Just as the tour was finished and there was about ten minutes until class started, the door opened up and a person entered. Eunha leaned over to see who had arrived, gave a slight nod and made finger guns at the person. "Yo."

"Greetings, Eunha" said the stranger in a deep voice, giving an overexaggerated bow while pretending to take off a hat, then he giggled in a cute way, like a child. He turned around to put his coat away, and that's when he noticed my presense. "Oh, hello!"

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