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Why did I suddenly care so much about my appearance when I knew Taehyung was looking? I hated this. I hated the feeling of being so vulnerable and controlled by someone else. I didn't hate Kim Taehyung, though. Far from it.

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

The weeks passed by way too quickly. Since the term had started, in January, I had become alot closer to everyone in the drama class. During the summer holidays, the theatre lessons still continiued, and we'd see each other every single day. We'd go to the beach, a café or each others houses afterwards and stay out late since there was no school. One night, all the boys had a sleepover at Jin-hyung's place; he lived alone which we all found very convenient, especially Namjoon. Another time I went camping with Yerin and Sojung, grilling around a fire in the woods late at night.

Going to concerts I was too young for with the oldest noona Joohyun, letting Lisa do my makeup and making a mess, even drink a little alcohol with my hyungs—my mom let me do all those things, she was so happy I now had a nice group of friends. But there was one person I hung out with more than anyone else: Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung and I would do anything, as long as we were together. One night we climbed a roof, brought some snacks and sat up there the whole night, not worrying about a thing. Another time we went to the movies together, it was the worst film either of us had ever seen. We sat in the back of the cinema, annoying everyone else with our complaining until we got kicked  out. Many times we'd just go to my house and play games together, it was really nice. We got to know a new side of each other every single time we met, and I could feel my poor self falling further and further for my hyung. Everything about Kim Taehyung was perfect except for one thing: he didn't love me back.

"Jungkook!" Eunha whisper-shouted. We were currently on stage in front of Ms. Choi and the rest of the group, practising a scene. "It's your line!"

I snapped back into reality, or more like the play, and said my line. "I know my parents won't accept us, but I'll run away. I'd do anything for you, my love."

I tried my best to seem like I was in love as I looked into Eunha's eyes. She was dressed in a maid outfit, obviously trying not to laugh at the ridiculous script Ms. Choi had written. We both burst into song, dancing the choreography we'd practiced. At the end of the duet, we had to kiss. Not a real one of course, but it looked real to the audience. We both started laughing like crazy the second the lights turned on and the others clapped, the whole situation was so awkward yet funny.

"That was great, guys!" Choi Jikyung seemed very pleased. She looked at her watch. "Oh, time flies! You can all go home now, remember to practice for next week!"

Since it was the middle of summer and very hot, we all grabbed our stuff and walked out together, heading towards the beach that was nearby. The water was very warm since it was a small lake and we all liked to hang out there. Once we arrived it was quite dark, but the weather was still perfect. I sat down next to a bored-looking Taehyung in the sand.

"Ah, Jungkookie, help!" a high pitched voice yelled from behind. As I looked back, Yoongi had captured Jimin and was now tickling him with all his might while Hoseok held the younger down.

"Why me, if I may ask?" I shouted back.

"Because you're the str-" he shrieked. "Strongest person here!" I could barely make out what Jimin was saying through the laughter and screaming.

"Yoongi, Hoseok, stop bullying your dongsaeng!" Jin shouted from somewhere.

I chuckled and turned to Taehyung again, who didn't look amused at all despite witnessing the scene. I called his name twice and he finally looked up, obviously forcing a smile.


"Are you okay?" I tried to put a comforting hand on his back, but he gently pulled away. "You've been in a really good mood recently, but then after every drama class you're like a zombie. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," Taehyung looked out over the water. "It's nothing. It's so stupid, really. I'm such a fool."

I looked at him expectantly, purposely making myself look cute. "You can tell me, you know."

"It's fine, Kookie."

"Okay then."

We sat in silence for minutes. It was now very dark and the others had gone further away, to a grill that was located in the woods next to the beach. I worried that something was wrong as I watched Taehyung, who's eyes were closed, chin resting on one knee. He picked up some sand and let it run through his fingers, then he spoke up.

"It's just..." he mumbled quietly.



"If you need to talk I'm here, Tae."

"Fine." He took a deep breath and spoke very slowly, almost whispering the words.

"You and Eunha. I don't like it. I know you're just acting when you seem so in love with each other, but I can't help it. I know it's stupid, I'm sorry." In the darkness, I could make out the silhuette of a lonely tear fall from his cheek.

I stared at Taehyung, taken aback. I felt completely crushed, as if someone had taken my heart and thrown it off a cliff after running it over with three big trucks.  Now it was my turn to fight back the tears, I had to comfort my friend.

"Hyung, I'm so sorry! I had no idea Eunha and you were... I-I'm sure it will all work out between you two! As you said, we're just acting and-"

"Shut up." Taehyung didn't sound angry, he simply seemed upset as he said the two words.

"Wae? Tae, please don't be mad I'm-"

"I said shut up." So I followed his orders and silence took over once more. I looked down at my shoes and I could tell Taehyung was doing the same. The only sound that was heard was the distant laughter from our friends and our own heavy breathing. I was determined not to cry, hearing Taehyung's sniffles. This time I didn't try to comfort him. Just as I was about to get up and go home, Taehyung whispered something so quietly I wasn't even sure I was supposed to hear. But I'm glad I did.

"Because Eunha's not the one I'm in love with, you idiot."

wooo hope you're excited
for the next chapter now heheh
thank you so much for still reading!!

—————————wooo hope you're excitedfor the next chapter now hehehthank you so much for still reading!!🖤🖤🖤🖤

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