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Taehyung whispered something so quietly I wasn't even sure I was supposed to hear. But I'm glad I did.

"Because Eunha's not the one I'm in love with, you idiot."

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

(not proof read bc i have nO time)

Never in my life had I had a crush on someone, especially a friend, without everything going to shit. I suppose people just couldn't love me. So to say I was surprised with everything that happened during the following minutes would be an understatement.

I could feel a soft, warm  hand slowly approach my trembling one, a thumb stroking the back of it calmly. My heartbeat didn't calm down at all though, more like the opposite, and it made me want to cry even more. I hated this whole situation. I hated it, I hated it, I hated it.

"Tae, please stop crying."

"I think you should go, Kookie."

"I heard what you said, hyung. I'm not leaving."


"You probably find me creepy now, sorry..." I whispered, my voice quavering. "And I know I've got no chance with you, so let's pretend this never happened, please? I never got my hopes up anyways, I'm so different and I don't fit in and I'm not so good looking and even though I have friends I always feel like they could do so much better and...and...why would someone even like me? I'm so annoying and..."

Jungkook's hand left mine, travelling up my arm towards my back where he rubbed comforting circles. This time I didn't stop him.

"Don't apologize."

Jungkook shuffled even closer.

"Tae, look at me."

I looked at him.

"I don't find you creepy."

More tears formed in my eyes.

"Wanna know how I find you?"

He reached out a thumb to dry them.

"I find you absolutely incredible, there's no one else like you."

His other thumb caressed my cheek.

"And, as a wise man told me once when I was upset with my drawing, isn't it more fun to be unique and original?"

Jungkook turned around and sat on his knees so that we were still sitting next to each other but face to face.

I giggled a little through the tears. "I said that, didn't I?"

My breathing got heavier, heart beating faster.

"Yeah, you did."

Jungkook grinned, the moon's reflection sparkling in his eyes.

"And for the record, Taehyung, you're not annoying, you are good looking, and no one in this drama club could find a better friend even if they wanted to."

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