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i kissed jungkook
and he kissed back

oh no

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

"Okay, I'm personally going to strangle the person who thought that starting school on a Thursday was a good idea, " I complained to Jimin as we sleepily walked towards our first day of school after the summer holidays.

"So the principal needs to sleep with one eye open, then, " my best friend half said, half yawned. Jimin and I always walked to school together, it was tradition. Since we were born the same year, we were classmates too.

He pushed the door open and we went to our lockers, quickly putting our books and bags into them. Since we were earlier than most people today, the locker hall was quite empty. Jimin grabbed me by the arm and sat down at a table, looking at me wih eyes that were both excited and worried.

"So, tell me about Jungkook."

I looked down. "He's perfect, " I said in a sad tone and sighed. "You know how much I like him."

Jimin put a reassuring hand over mine, giving an encouraging smile. "I do. Now, as always I obviously want to help you out in this situation but please give me some
juicy details about yesterday first! I'm desperate!"

I giggled like a teenage girl gossiping. Jimin had that effect on me; he could always cheer me up.

"Well, he actually nearly kissed me on the beach but then a certain someone-" I gave Jimin an accusing look "- interrupted us. And then..."

My friend nodded eagerly as I filled him in on all the details, leaving out the part about me actually crying on the beach. He didn't need to know that specific part.

"Was it any good?" Jimin said in a giddy voice.

"Uh, yeah!?!" I said as if the fact was obvious, then I sank into a slouching position, resting my face in my hands. "Too bad I'll get kicked out or sent to therapy or something if I date him..."

"I know I've said this a million times throughout the years, Taetae, but I'm so sorry, " Jimin seemed genuine. "I can't even imagine what it would be like if my parents couldn't accept me."

"Yeah." I smiled wistfully. "I'm glad you understand me though."

"Of course. Now tell me how we solve this thing."

"Same way as always, what else?"

"Well no one has really liked you back before, no offense, so curing your heartbreak with ice cream is not an option." I punched his arm playfully. "And the two people you have dated before broke up with you. It seems like Jungkook genuinly likes you though, so that'll not happen!"

"Don't get your hopes up, " I said bitterly. "You know people get bored of me."

"I'm not bored of you yet, though?" Jimin reasoned. "So anyways, do you want to date him or what?"

"Of course I do!"

"Well then do it. Keep it a secret from your parents."

"Wow, I've never considered that! " I said sarcastically. "I'd love to, but it'd get out eventually, I know that."

Jimin sighed. "Well, speak to Jungkook about it and see what he thinks. You're seeing him after school, aren't you?"

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

Instead of greeting me with the usual "Kookieeee!", Taehyung just smiled his huge box smile that I loved so much as he came walking towards me, but it was obviously forced.

"Hi!" I pretended not to notice and smiled back as he sat down next to me on the park bench, wrapping arm around me.


"You seem down, what's up?"

"You would be too if you'd gone to school for the first time in over a month!" he looked at me tiredly.

"That's so stupid. Who starts school on a Thursday?"

"I know right! I feel exhausted!"

"You're still cute, though, " I said, making him blush and look down. Something definitely wasn't right. As I asked him what was wrong, he pulled his arms back from me and started rubbing his face in frustration.

"It's... aish." Taehyung ran a hand through his hair and leaned forward. I let him take a minute before asking again.

"Jungkook, it's just that I feel like if I tell you you'll be scared off and I really don't want to lose you."

I didn't know if I should be touched or scared. Maybe both. "Tae, you can tell me. I won't run away, you know how much I hate losing at life."

The corner of his mouth went up a little. "Really?"

"Of course." I slid my hand under his. He looked down at them and smiled for a second.

"Okay, well you'd have to find out anyways, " he seemed to be debating in his head wether to tell me or not. "Kookie, my parents are homophobic. It's like, really bad."

"Oh. I'm so sorry." I stroke his back.

"Wait, you don't even sound scared? Do you still want to date? We'd have to keep it from them..."

My eyes widened. "We're dating!?!" I blurted out. Now it was his time to look shocked.

"Oh! Sorry! I just assumed this was you know, um, a date since we...you know..."

I chuckled and pecked his cheek. "I'd love to date you."


sorry guys! i was having some
serious writers block with this chapter
so i decided to write it quite crappy
and then move on, thank you so
much for reading still ♥️

sorry guys! i was having someserious writers block with this chapterso i decided to write it quite crappyand then move on, thank you so much for reading still ♥️

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