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"Hey, yeah it's Jungkook. Hyung, you can drive, right? I have no clue where the fuck I am, but you need to pick me up. Taehyung too."

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

Jin dipped the wet towel in hot water before carefully dabbing it against my jaw, where Taehyung's dad had scratched me with his nail when he punched me.

"You'll be fine." He handed me a bag of ice to put on my busted lip.

Namjoon sat next to Taehyung on the couch, listening to him rant. "It's over, hyung!" The younger talked fast and rubbed his face, pulling his hair. "If I hadn't run away like that maybe my parents would have forgiven me at some point but I've screwed up completely and Jungkook got hurt in the process and if Mom or Dad get their hands on either of us all hell would break loose and fuck I don't want to see my parents ever again but at the same time I love them so much and I hate the fact that they probably don't want to see me either and I feel so stupid for feeling that way and-"

"Taehyung!" Namjoon exclaimed. "Breath!"

I looked at Jin, who was still crouching over me. "Do you think Tae'll be okay?"

"He'll be alright," Jin spoke quietly. "I've known him for so long. This is what he always wanted. To cut all ties with his parents, I mean. He's just shocked that it happened so suddenly and this way, I'm sure."

I nodded in understanding. "He can live with you, right?"

"Of course." He stood up and put the first aid kit away. "You should go home now, Jungkookie. Your parents must be worrying themselves to death."

I agreed and stood up, kissing Taehyung's forehead on my way out. "It'll be okay," I whispered in his ear before leaving the apartment, walking through the night to my own.

"Jeon Jungkook! Where the hell have you been?" Mom stood up as I opened the door. "It's nearly four in the morning! You could have called!"

Dad came out from the kitchen too, with Taeguk right behind. At least the puppy looked happy to see me. "Jungkook! We were so fucking worried, why would you-" he came closer and suddenly his angry expression changed to a worried one. "Oh my god, your face! Are you okay? Were y'all in a rumble or something?"

"What?" Hyemin ran up to inspect my jaw and lip.

"Something like that, yeah." I told them everything that had happened during the night, not giving too many personal details about Taehyung. Hyemin and Jeongsoo just stood there, mouths agape and eyes wide open.

"Sweetie, why didn't you tell us that Taehyung's parents were such horrible people?" Mom spoke in a tone that sounded so genuinely sorry, I wanted to cry.

"I guess I figured it was his story to tell," I shrugged.

"Both you and Taehyung need to be careful if you're out walking, just in case you bump into them," Dad said and Mom nodded in agreement. "Where is he now?"

"Seokjin hyung's place."

"Tell him he's welcome here whenever he needs it. Now go to straight to sleep, no phone." I nodded and followed their orders with no further discussion, Mom patting my back as I walked past her. Taking Taeguk under one arm, I crawled into bed, resting my head on the soft pillow and fell asleep surprisingly quickly.

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