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I chuckled and pecked his cheek.

"I'd love to date you."

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I could feel my cheeks heat up, damn it. I put my arm back around Jungkook and whispered "great. I'm thrilled."

I genuinly meant it, but I was also scared. What if my parents found out? I may be 19, but I definitely couldn't live alone. I'd need to get a job good enough to pay for a place. Being kicked out didn't sound very awsome.

I decided not to think too much.

"So, shall we go?"

Jungkook stood up and grinned. "Sure!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me up so I was standing, and our hands stayed together while we walked, fingers intertwined.

I smiled brightly; I couldn't wait to tell Jimin and Hoseok. They were the happy pills of the friend group, so talking to them about something like this was always much fun. Jungkook would usually go to me or one of the girls to talk, if Seokjin or Namjoon didn't snatch him first. They were like his parents, always checking up on him. If someone needed advice, Yoongi would be our savior, having gotten much experience about life in general.

"So, " I began as Jungkook took his keys out and unlocked the door to his apartment. "What do you want to do on the date?"

"I don't know!" Jungkook let me step in first. "Movie or video games, maybe?"

I didn't get to answer because at that exact moment, Jeon Hyemin peeked her head around the corner. "Taehyung!"

"Hi, Hyemin!" I'd learnt by now not to call Jungkook's mother "Mrs Jeon", she prefered her first name.

"I figured you were coming over, so I made some cinnamon rolls for you boys to enjoy when I leave later."

We thanked her and made our way towards Jungkook's room. Curious as to why Hyemin knew I was coming when I hadn't even decided anything for certain with Jungkook until ten minutes ago, I asked my dongsaeng if he told his mom about the date.

"I actually didn't, she just knows stuff, " Jungkook shut the door behind us. "It's kinda weird. I suppose I looked happy as I left so she assumed I was going to meet you or something..."

"Aww, that's cute!"

"Shut up, " Jungkook sat down next to me on the bed. The atmosphere felt kind of tense, to be honest. It was like neither of us really knew where we stood or how to act towards each other, almost as if we weren't sure if the other remembered our kiss in the woods. Couldn't he just kiss me again already? Maybe he was ashamed and didn't want to go too fast, starting over from a first date, pretending nothing happened before.

Hyemin yelled a "good bye!" from downstairs, leaving to be with a collegue for the evening.

"So, we're alone." I looked at Jungkook and smiled awkwardly.

"Yep." Jungkook scratched his neck. "Wanna...like...watch a movie? I think the only one I have in my room is the first Harry Potter, but I can go get another one in the living roo-"

I clapped my hands. "I love Harry Potter!"

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