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"Dad, this is Kim Taehyung. My wonderful boyfriend." Jungkook seemed proud as he said this, and Jeongsoo reached his arm out to me. I did the same, expecting a handshake but Jungkook's dad pulled me in for one if those manly "bro hugs", hitting my back twice.

"I can already tell you make Jungkook very happy, which is all I could ever wish for. Welcome to the family, son."

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

Taehyung stayed over that night. Mom and Dad did drag an extra mattress into my room, but he slept next to me anyways and Taeguk the puppy decided to claim the extra bed as her own instead. My boyfriend and I were curled up in a cuddling position, my body on top of his, our arms and legs all over the place, tangled with each other. Stroking the back of my shoulder, he spoke softly not to wake my parents or dog up.

"Did you have a good birthday?"

"Best one ever." I smiled tiredly, diving deeper into his warm embrace. "And you're the main reason for it."

"I'm doing a good job being your boyfriend, then?"

Lifting my face from Taehyung's neck, I kissed him on the mouth, our lips staying together for a few seconds. "You're doing exceptionally well."

"Great." He grabbed a strand of hair that had gotten in my face, putting it behind my ear where it didn't stay and instantly fell back. He giggled quietly and pecked the tip of my nose before I layed my head back down.



"How much do your parents know about this?" I looked up again as the situation got more serious. "About us, I mean. You said they were assuming things."

He sighed and played with my hair. "They know I'm dating someone, just not who. I said we'd only been on one date, so it'd be weird if we were a couple already."

"You and I became a couple after one date, though," I pointed out.

"You and I met months before that, spoke every day and developed crushes on each other." Taehyung reasoned. "I told my parents I had just met her."

"So they think it's a girl." I tried not to sound upset as I said that, but Taehyung managed to make out the obvious sadness in my statement. Of course I was prepared to sneak and keep secrets for my boyfriend, but that didn't mean I didn't hate the situation. I knew I wasn't allowed to complain, though, since this was ten times worse for him.

"Yeah, and I plan to keep it that way. At least until I'm prepared to be kicked out. Or sent to therapy. Perhaps both. Sorry, Kookie." He forced a chuckle, trying to lighten the conversation.

"Don't do anything that could get you in serious trouble for me, hyung. Please," I begged. "Unless you really want to be kicked out, of course."

"Yeah," he laughed a little at my joke. "The thought of running away has always been there in the back of my mind, you know. Before I even knew what homophobia was, the fancy, rich life was never for me. I suppose I'm luckier than people who get abused at home, but sometimes the pressure gets too much. Realising I was bisexual was kind of the final drop before the glass overflowed. Drama class and even school has always been my safe space.

"But then, on the other hand, they are my parents. And I still love them. Of course I do, it's human nature. I was the happiest kid on earth when I was a little child, and it was all because of my loving parents. And they've been providing me with everything I've ever needed my whole life, of course I'm thankful for that. It's just...I love them despite all the mental damage they've caused me, and I hate myself for it. It's stupid that I still need them so much, I'm so stupid. And them telling me everything wrong with me and the things I secretly like doesn't help one bit. I just...ah, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore."

"Oh, Tae." I looked into his brown eyes, that were tearing up.

"Why do I have to live like this? To be honest, I've dated quite a few people in my life. Both boys and girls. The girls are always scared off because of the pressure put on them and the boys leave because...well, the secretivity gets too much. I haven't even told Jimin this, he thinks I've only ever been with like two people. I just feel like he has to live with my complaining enough anyways." Taehyung blinked rapidly, fighting the tears.

I sensed that he didn't want to talk about this anymore, nor did he want to be pitied. "This sucks so much. But you know what, Tae? I'm actually quite thankful to your asshole parents."


I kissed his temple and layed down properly again. "Because they made you. Come on, let's sleep now, honey."


you're welcome :')
also this was so cheesy what

you're welcome :')also this was so cheesy what

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