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"Taehyung?" Hyemin was surprised as she opened the door, she had obviously thought her son was the one knocking.

"Jungkook's birthday is this weekend, right?"

"Yeah, Saturday."

"Good, I need your approval on something."

guys, don't be afraid to comment on any paragraph! seeing your thoughts always make my day, seriously :)

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Taehyung kept his promise of taking me out on our second date. Two days after drama class he appeared outside my apartment building with a bicycle, snapchatting me to come out. "What's with the bike? We only live a few minutes from each other!" I had asked him. He just motioned for me to come sit behind him. "Because I can't drive a real car, of course. I'm trying to be romantic and pick you up!" I put my arms around his waist not to fall off when his feet pushed down on the pedals and the bike started moving. "Weirdo," I mumbled fondly into his shoulder.

So there we were. The restaurant was dimly lit, red lamps made out of paper hanging on the walls. The whole place—including the tables and seats—was made out of wood which made it smell lovely, and Japanese art and calligraphy decorated the walls. Not many people were there since it was still quite early, adults were coming home from work at this time of the day. Taehyung and I got assigned a table and ordered our foods, making small talk while waiting for it. "Enjoy, and please let us know if there's anything we can do for you, gentlemen!" the waitress said in a sweet voice as she served us.

"So, Kookie,"  Taehyung spoke as he used his chopsticks to pick up some yakiniku.

Swallowing the piece of sushi that was currently in my mouth, I smiled. "That's me."

"How are we celebrating your birthday tomorrow?"

"I was thinking...wait!" I looked at him suspiciously. "Did I ever even tell you when my birthday was?"

The boy in front of me's eyes widened and he blushed a deep shade of red. "I...may or may not have stalked you on Facebook after the first time we met."

My heart fluttered, but I wouldn't let it show. "Aww! Love at first sight, huh?" I teased and tried to poke him, but he pushed my arm away playfully.

"Yah, just tell me about tomorrow already!"

Chuckling, I told him about my nonexistent plans for the big day.

"Since Lisa said she was going to throw me a fabulous party after the next drama class whether I liked it or not, I'm going to try to stay away from any wild celebrations tomorrow. I'm one of those depressing kids who just hangs out with his mom for his birthday." That made Taehyung laugh, so I laughed along. I'm a simple person; Taehyung is happy, I'm happy.

"Speaking of your mother," my hyung took another bite before talking. "Does she know you have a boyfriend yet?"

"I told her, and she's cool with it. Said she already knew it was going to happen at some point." I shook my head. "Unlike my brother, I've spent so much time with Mom throughout the years she knows me inside and out by now. I haven't told you or the others this but, I never really had any other friends. I've hung out with people for a few days and had fun, but we never really bonded. " Taehyung looked surprised but didn't ask any further questions, which I appreciated. My shyness had always been a big insecurity of mine. I could be fun to hang around, but if you didn't approach me and take the first step for us to talk to each other, it'd never happen.

The date went really well. We had a nice dinner and went to buy ice cream in the park for dessert afterwards. Taehyung paid for everything which made me feel slightly bad, but he kept assuring me that it was completely fine since he had a lot of money and was happy to spend it on me. We spoke about how we found it interesting that our families were the exact opposite; one didn't have much money but was really happy, the other family vice versa. For once I felt privileged to live in my own, kind of poor, family.

We decided to call it a night after finishing our ice cream and making out on a park bench. It was pretty chilly outside, so I offered Taehyung my jacket as we rode back on his bicycle. He grinned in a way that was so cute I had to lean in and peck the corner of his mouth multiple times before he stopped me, still smiling.

As we arrived outside my apartment he jokingly brought my hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. "Oh, what a gentleman, " I giggled. We both said our goodbyes and thanked each other, me giving Taehyung a good night kiss before entering my home.

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"How was the date?" My mothers voice asked the second I stepped into the house. I froze, I didn't even think she'd be awake!

"Date?" I asked innocently as I stepped into the huge living room. On a big leather sofa sat both of my parents, wine glasses in hand. Mom was wearing a lace nightgown, Dad a silk pajamas.

"Teenagers these days don't just sneak out to meet with a friend," Dad spoke firmly. "Unless they want to cause trouble or commit crimes, but you're not the type."

"I-" I tried to speak but was interrupted by my mother.

"So when are we meeting her?" Her voice was so soft, too soft. I hated when they spoke to me that way, their honey voices felt so manipulative.

"Is it someone from school?" Dad, too, was very calm. They clearly wanted more information than I was willing to give them, and playing these lovely characters was always their go-to technique. He looked me in the eyes. "That girl you brought home a few times, Nayeon, she was nice. You were a nice couple. She's from a good family as well."

Trying my very best not to show the anger building up inside of me, I took a deep breath before telling my lie. "You don't know this person. And we're not ready to take any big steps like meeting parents right now. I don't even know if she likes me, this was our first date. We only met last week. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm tired. Goodnight." I calmly walked around the corner so that my parents couldn't see me before storming off to my room. Well, that was that night ruined.

tomorrow i'll have to be on a plane
for hours oN MY PERIOD WITH
TERRIBLE CRAMPS #prayforines

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anyways bye :)

 or not, it's up to you lolanyways bye :)

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