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I sensed that he didn't want to talk about this anymore, nor did he want to be pitied. "This sucks so much. But you know what, Tae? I'm actually quite thankful to your asshole parents."


I kissed his temple and layed down properly again. "Because they made you. Come on, let's sleep now, honey."

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

I woke up to find Jungkook's body curled up into a ball next to me, one leg over mine. His brown hair was messy and his right arm was thrown across my chest, face hidden in my shoulder. He was mumbling quietly in his sleep, slurred words I couldn't make out. He looked so pretty, and he smelled amazing, is that weird? Smiling to myself, I reached for my phone, careful not to wake the beautiful boy next to me up. Surprisingly, the drama class group chat was blowing up with messages like "the big day, guys!", "see y'all soon!" and "good luck! we'll do great! hwaiting!"


"Jungkook! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I shook my boyfriend, maybe a bit too violently. "We have to be at drama class for rehearsal and then the actual show in twenty minutes!"

He sat up drowsily, rubbing his eyes. "What- oh fuck!" He swore in english as the realization hit him.

"Come on, we gotta go!"

We got dressed hurriedly and raced towards the kitchen where we both grabbed a banana for breakfast. On the table was a handwritten note:

Good morning, boys!
We're out walking Taeguk and didn't
want to wake you up. Don't forget
that you have theater the whole day
today! Have fun :)

PS: we know that you slept in the same
bed, what are you trying to hide???

Jungkook froze for a second at the mention of Taeguk. "I still can't believe you actually bought me a fucking dog oh my g-"

"Come on!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the building, both of us laughing while running through the cool September weather.

.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

Eunha and I opened up the whole thing with the first scene. The audience started dropping in a few minutes before it, chatting excitedly. I high-fived Eunha behind the stage before we both walked out, taking our positions. The stage went completely black for a second, then a spotlight fell on Eunha and the show started.

"Hello! Are you the new maid?" The kitchen boy looked about the girl's age and had short, brown hair. His over sized, white chef clothes perfectly fit the colour of the wall he'd been standing in front of on, which looked quite funny.

"That would be me", the girl lied, putting on a friendly smile and saying her fake name.

The boy grinned and introduced himself. "I was actually waiting for you, so come with me! The boss told me to get here early and give a tour of the place, if you'd like one."

She nodded. "Seems great."

Just as the tour was finished and there was about ten minutes until work started, the door opened up and a person entered. The kitchen boy leaned over to see who had arrived, and gave a deep bow towards the person. "Your Highness."

Everyone said hello, the new maid introducing herself.

"Pleasure to meet you, new maid!" The charming boy in front of her nodded. "I'm the prince."

Then the rest of the castle woke up, and a huge musical number was performed.

Everything went really well and after the show people from the audience came swarming around us, giving bouquets of flowers to the person they were there to see and chatting to Ms. Choi. My parents never came to see my plays, which hurt me as an eight year old but was a relief nowadays. Every year, Jimin's parents would buy two bouquets, giving one to me. But this year, my parents came. Without a warning.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked in shock as I walked up to them. "What are you doing here?"

"Are we not allowed to see our son sing and dance?" They looked offended.

"It's just...you never..." I didn't want to start an argument.

"Taehyung-ah!" Ms. Choi's voice startled me. "Good job tonight, dear! And this must be your parents?"

"That's us," my mom confirmed.

"You must be very proud! Your son is such a star. And he always has so much fun here, don't you, Taehyung? And you must be so happy, with Jungkook I mean. They're so adorable, right? The perfect couple."

I could feel my face go completely pale, my palms starting to sweat at the mention of my secret boyfriend. "Mom, D-Dad, should I show you around?"

They ignored me completely, their expressions getting darker as Dad raised one suspicious eyebrow.

"Sorry?" Mom asked in a scary tone.

"Jungkook? That sounds awfully much like a boy's name," my father pointed out, pulling my arm as if to say "let's talk outside, shall we?". I could feel my knees go weak, and the sight of a certain brown haired boy at the other end of the room didn't make it any better. I hesitantly followed my parents out the door, having no clue what was going to happen next. They pulled me out of the room so that the three of us were standing behind the stage. My parents looked me in the eyes with the most intimidating stares I had ever witnessed, frightening me.

"So, which one of them is Jungkook?" My mom asked me, a bit too calmly. There was no use lying now, so I told them. I told them about how we'd been secretly dating and that I was bisexual. I asked them to please forgive me, and that I loved him, but I hadn't said that to him yet so they couldn't ruin it. I told them everything and my parents just stood there, arms crossed as they watched me have a breakdown in front of them, bawling my eyes out as I gave them too much information about the past years of my life.

They did not look pleased.

And that's when the door opened, revealing a smiling Jungkook.


whoops! *giggles evilly*

———————whoops! *giggles evilly*

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