"Why don't you tell me how we ended up together. Tell the story. That'll be the perfect bed time story! Tell everything you remember, from the moment you met me up until now." His eyes sparkled.

"That...actually sounds really nice!" I nodded in agreement. "You'll have to help me, though."

"Okay, let's take it in turns. You first!" He sat up, building a little wall of pillows for us both to lean on. I cleared my throat and told the story, stroking Taeguk's soft fur while speaking.

"I felt slightly nervous as I reluctantly approached the small, foreign building. 'Drama classes with Choi Jikyung' read a sign on the door. I hesitantly walked up to it. You may think I didn't want to do this, but..."

Third person p.o.v.
.,°˖✧ ೃ༄

"And now, we're here."

Jungkook leans further into Taehyung's warm embrace as he finishes the long story. They have somehow ended up in a cuddling position, the younger being the little spoon. It's cold enough to sleep now, but neither of them wants to admit it; just being there, in the other's presence, is so much better while awake. Taeguk, on the other hand, passed out long ago, sprawled out over the two boys.

"I just realized," Taehyung says drowsily, "that the play we set up and our lives were the exact same story but with different characters."

"I know! We literally could've predicted the future." (psst, author here. actually, the numbers of the scenes in the play matched with the numbers of the chapters in which those things happened in tae and jk's lives. and the part of the play that was described was literally just copy pasted from chapter one with some name changes!! not that i expected anyone to notice, it was mostly for my own satisfaction lol)

"I'm surprised at how much we remember," Taehyung says, his voice thick with tiredness as he leans in to kiss Jungkook's hair. "But weren't you a little too detailed about me crying all the time?"

The younger giggles. "And everyone thinks you're the manly one in this relationship."

"Oi!" Taehyung punches his arm playfully. "I'm manly for the most part! Besides, men cry too!"

"They do. Besides, you had good reasons to cry." Jungkook turns around to look his boyfriend in the eyes, hooking his arms around his neck. "How are you, by the way? Are you really okay? We haven't spoken of that topic in weeks, and I know that Jimin is helping you, but sometimes I worry about you." He sighs. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Kookie," Taehyung says calmly, staring deep into the younger's eyes. "You know I want to be nothing but honest with you, right?" His fingers find a strand of hair that has fallen into Jungkook's face, pushing it out of his eyes before speaking. "I'm fine. I may not be the happiest guy on earth, but I'm okay. I'll be alright. Don't worry, really."


"I promise." Taehyung reaches his hand out, encouraging Jungkook to do the same. Tired grins plastered on their faces, they do their own handshake. It's a mix between different sign languages; "I love you," "I promise," and then sealing the promise. It had become their thing.

"Tae, I'm so sleepy," Jungkook announces with a yawn as a little ray of morning sunlight peeks through the window.

"Then sleep, I won't talk to you." Taehyung smiles.

"I can't, something's bothering me," Jungkook says, standing up. His boyfriend watches him with curiosity.

"What are you doing?"

Jungkook walks up to his wall, where one lonely drawing is hanging. He takes it down, holding the piece of paper in his hand. "Hearing our story reminded me of this. Remember when you saw me draw it?"

"Yeah, it was the second time we met, and I was the one who told you to keep it!"

"You told me that theatre is more beautiful than reality, and to keep it as a reminder not to dwell on my favorite plays and focus on reality instead." Jungkook's hands grip the paper on each side, starting to tear it slowly. "Well, I don't need that reminder anymore." He throws the pieces into the bin.

"Because you were wrong. I couldn't possibly find a story that I prefer over ours."

The End.


now you can't say i
didn't plan this story lmao

thank you sosososososooo
much for reading! this is
my first ff in over a year
so i didn't expect many
reads at all. 1k is more
than amazing! to
everyone who supported
this book by reading it,
from the bottom of
my heart, thank you.
it means a lot. and
to those of you who
always vote or even
comment, a special
thank you.
love you guys.

i had so much fun
writing this, and i
can't wait to see my
writing improve
in the future!
thank you again, ily.

goodbye for now!
if you want to read
my current book,
it's called "school
desk" and is a
vkook story too.

well, that was all
i had to say.
안녕히 계세요 👋🏼

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