"So, which one of them is Jungkook?" My mom asked me, a bit too calmly. There was no use lying now, so I told them. I told them about how we'd been secretly dating and that I was bisexual. I asked them to please forgive me, and that I loved him, but I hadn't said that to him yet so they couldn't ruin it. I told them everything and my parents just stood there, arms crossed as they watched me have a breakdown in front of them, bawling my eyes out as I gave them too much information about the past years of my life.

They did not look pleased.

And that's when the door opened, revealing a smiling Jungkook.


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"We've been looking everywhere for y- oh!" The boy's smile immediately faded away at the sight of my parents and the fact that I was crying. As usual when I saw Jungkook, brutal butterflies took over my tummy. But these ones weren't gently tickling my insides; they were eating at them.

"Hi, Jihoon!" I tried to communicate with Jungkook through eye contact as I made up a fake name for him. He got it.

"Uhm, we just wanted to say that the audience has left and the party starts soon, but I see you're with your parents so you can come later if you wanna." He turned around to go and we almost tricked my parents, but just as he walked out a "Jungkook! What's taking so long? Making out with Taetae again? Anyways, we're going now. You guys come when you want!" could be heard with lots of laughter following. Jungkook's eyes widened and he started walking faster as my dad turned redder and redder, balling his fists.

"So, you're Jungkook then." Mom looked furious, and Dad grabbed Jungkook's arm, making him squeal quietly with fear.

The boy and I, once again, spoke with our eyes. Okay, they knew who Jungkook was. Time for plan B.

"Yeah, that's me." Jungkook bowed politely and introduced himself properly.

"You're dating our son."

"I am." He smiled charmingly and seemed so confident, but I could see the nervousness in his eyes as my father's big figure towered over him.

"Tell me, Jeon Jungkook, what were you thinking?" Dad raised his voice more and more for each word. Jungkook impulsively backed away slowly as the bigger male approached him.

"I'm afraid I don't understand your question, Mr. Kim."

Dad looked like he was going to explode both physically and mentally at any second. "What the hell were you thinking when you tricked my son into thinking he likes you? How dare you do something so filthy!?! He obviously likes you a lot. He even said he loves you!" Jungkook blushed and I cursed my damn dad for telling my boyfriend before I did.

"Mr. Kim, I-"

Jungkook didn't get to say more because just as his mouth opened, a strong fist came flying towards it. My mother and I both gasped, running towards our partners. "Honey, calm down, someone could see us!" Tears were forming in her eyes. Jungkook was holding a hand up to his jaw, his lip busted.

"Kookie! Are you alright? He's never done anything like that before!" I carefully cupped his face, inspecting it. He'd bitten his tongue, but his teeth seemed fine.

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