Love triangles and Malec - part 8

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To say the next week at school was awkward would be an understatement. Argument after argument soon anything anyone said was twisted and mangled into something completely different. It got to a point where the whole of their school knew about the conflict and dreaded walking the school corridors in fear of being caught up in one of their fights. The once inseparable group had shattered and formed sharpe shards, crumbling by the second.

The week from hell:
•Day 1
Magnus walked into school with a determined look on his face. He noticed Alec at his locker. His eyes were darks, blacky blue circle coating his under eye; it became increasingly clear he had gotten no sleep that weekend. Magnus marched over to him "Why haven't you answered my texts or calls or even friggin' carrier pigeon for Christ sakes!" Magnus whined. Alec shrugged and began to walk away. "I don't think so Mister!" Magnus grabbed Alec and pulled him back "Ignoring everyone maybe what Jace and Simon do I'm situations like this but I thought you were better then that...?" Alec looked up revealing just how broken he really was, how much he was hurting inside.
"Oh Alexander," Magnus cried.
"My dad moved out, it took my mum weeks to come to terms with the fact I was gay and the one person who I thought understand, who I trusted, withheld something so big." Alec sighed.
"Alec I didn't want to keep it from you trust me. I wanted to tell you so bad but i knew it would ruin everything you had with Jace and your bond is too strong
to lose."
"Everyone I thought I knew I don't and I... I don't"Alec started to move his hands around showing he was stressing and confused.
"Alexander listen to me. I am the same person, I would never intentionally hurt you if I knew it would effect you this much I wouldn't have hesitated to tell you," he held Alec's hands in his own trying to reassure him but Alec just pulled his away. "But you did,"
"Alec please... I love you."
"I'm not sure if i can anymore,"Alec turned his head and walked away not wanting to see Magnus heart breaking.

For the rest of the day everyone spent it ignoring each other, it was going quite well until Alec accidentally caught eye contact with clary just as he was leaving "Hey you ok?" clary asked concerned
"Yeah no thanks to you," he mumbled
"Yeah well you've ruined my relationship and friendship so I have enough reason to hate you right now,"
Jace walked up behind Clary and Alec, butting in "Don't be a dick to Clary. You are in this position because you put yourself there," he smirked cockily walking to Clary's side.
"Piss off Jace," Alec hissed, barging passed him violently.
Jace expected Clary to be happy he stood up to Alec but her facial expression said otherwise "what?" He frowned.
"I don't need you to fight my battles we are not together," she grumbled and walked off swearing at him under her breath.

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