It was uncommon for Magnus and Alec to fight; they had a bond stronger than many. It was that sort of love that could withstand any storm but of course storms, although rare, were inevitable...and when they came they hit hard and sometimes for days.
New York had settled down in the past couple of months, less demonic activity made the shadowhunters job a lot easier. This stressed out Alec, causing paranoia about brewing attacks. Magnus began to realise that Alec had developed irrational, sketchy behaviour. He was home less, constantly on guard, and his bow and arrow never left his side.
"Lets go out!" Magnus said, flaunting into the living room, all dressed up in glitter and make up. Alec looked from his spot where he hadn't moved from in 3 hours. "I can't. I need to look over these reports..." Alec began but was interpreted by Magnus whining.
"But Alec. I haven't seen you properly in ages. I'm lonely. I'm starting to feel like you don't want me anymore" Alec tilted his head like a lost puppy "Magnus, i love you. I want you. I'm just busy ok" he got up and kissed Magnus, quick and carelessly which Magnus noticed.
"Okay" Magnus sighed, a tone of sadness in his voice. Magnus left it but issues left only grow.A few weeks passed and Magnus still hadn't been out with Alec. They were entering the eye of the storm. Magnus flounced into the living room and aggressively slammed an overnight bag in front of Alecs permanent sofa spot. "Magnus what are you doing?"
"Its what you're doing my darling. You're leaving" Magnus spat rather dramatically.
"What? Why?" Alec asked, flustered.
"Alec you don't speak to me anymore. We just co-exist. That's not living Alexander, that's surviving." He blurted out, becoming increasingly agitated.
"You couldn't possibly grasp the situation, you wont die. I will. I have responsibilities, i have to ensure survival . And... and if surviving is what it take to be with you longer then""Urghh...You're infuriating." Magnus interrupted "I understand more than anyone; I've watched mortals die, I've morned them and every single one realised in the end that they were dying without having lived." Magnus tried to reason with Alec.
"Because I'm just one of the many others, aren't I?" Alec said, sarcastically
"But you're not, Alec. You're so far from being just another. You're my Alexander, you're the one who taught me how to live, how to love senselessly. You're the one I can't bare the thought of living without. The one I'd live a mortal life for" Magnus was breathless, calming down from his outburst of honesty to Alec.
Magnus' eyes spoke more then his words; immersed in complete and utter desolation.
Alec was shocked yet over come with emotion- he had always wanted to be someone special to Magnus, to be the unique, prominent chapter of Magnus' long story.Maybe that was enough for Alec to live. After all theres more to life then surviving.

Shadowhunter stories ~mainly Malec!
FanfictionLittle stories, one shots and alternate realities of malec |sizzy|clace and the whole group in different situations. Some may be be funny,sad or juicy?. *characters owned by Cassandra Clare. Enjoy