The next day Alec walked through the school gates surprisingly composed and looking healthy, his skin glowing from a good nights sleep. He walked to his locker to collect his books when he heard footsteps. Footsteps that sounded like Magnus' boots that had so many studs and chains on them that they rattled as he walked down the halls. The noise Alec used to listen out for and feel fuzzy when he heard it. But now all he acosiated it with was pain, he pasted it off knowing there was no way it was Magnus when...
"Alexander" Magnus preached as if nothing had happened. Alec stood in shock and amazing, wanted nothing more than to grab his face and taste Magnus' lips once again but equally he wanted to hit him until he understood how much pain he felt from him leaving. "What you not happy to see me?" Magnus grinned opening his arms, welcoming Alec for a hug. Alec pushed himself on Magnus so hard, they nearly fell over. He pulled away quickly, too quickly, making Magnus realise he was upset. "Why don't we go outside," Magnus suggested not wanted to cause yet another scene inside. Alec stayed silent all the way to the car park trying to compose himself and not go crazy at Magnus.
"Where'd you go?" Alec asked,"My parents went on holiday so I tagged along, needed to clear my mind."
"And you didn't think to fucking tell me," Anger bubbling up within Alec, escalating the situation quickly.
"We were on a break, I didn't think you'd care,"
"CARE. CARE! Magnus you are all I care about. You left me" Alec whimpered"Alec" Magnus stressed,
"I missed you so much I couldn't physically sleep, while you were off probably fucking someone else on some fansy island," he hissed,
"Alec I didn't I wouldn't,"
"Did you ever even love me or was this all a game to you." Alec speculated,
"You know, make the closeted gay guy fall in love with you, make him come out just to prove you can do it,that you are that irresistible"
"I'm not that irresistible" Magnus snorted,
"THIS ISNT A FUCKING JOKE" Alec yelled, smacking Magnus in the chect. Not hard but hard enough for Magnus to get the message. Magnus put his arms around Alec,trying to calm him down and pulled him to the floor. Alec was layed in Magnus, his breathing heavy not caring that they were in the middle of the school car park. The smell of Magnus cologne seemed to relax Alec, being entangled with Magnus again eased his pain.
"Hey, look at me," Magnus insisted, tilting Alec's head up at him,
"This love, our love is real, not just some sick game to prove you could love me. I'm so sorry for leaving you and leaving on such a bad note. I just needed to get away." Magnus turned his head away trying to hold back the tears."I'd never been so scared of losing something in my entire life, then again nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as you do,"
Now Magnus was looking into Alecs eyes, Alec gazing at him with so much lust and pure happiness that he was back. Magnus smashed his lips against Alecs, losing himself in the kiss, something he'd beed wanted to do that since his got back. Alec hesitated but only for a second, he had two weeks worth of kissing to catch up on. He kissed Magnus and the world just fell away. It was slow, soft and comfortable in a way that words would never be. Magnus' hands rested below his ear, his thumb caressing Alecs cheek as their breaths mingled. Alec ran his fingers down Magnus' spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them so he could feel the beating of Magnus' heart against his chest again, where it should be.And that concludes Love triangles and Malec! Hope you enjoyed it. Stick around for more one shots and little stories.

Shadowhunter stories ~mainly Malec!
FanfictionLittle stories, one shots and alternate realities of malec |sizzy|clace and the whole group in different situations. Some may be be funny,sad or juicy?. *characters owned by Cassandra Clare. Enjoy