Everything was so new, so fantastical in the first couple of months of their relationship.
Magnus rolled off of Alec, onto his back, breathing heavily. Magnus' eyes locked on Alecs naked body, drawing a mental image of his beauty. "What do you want,Alec?" Magnus said tenderly. "You're gunna have to give me a minute we've just..." Alec sniggered, gesturing that they go again.
"No, seriously Alec..." Magnus playfully hit Alecs chest, trying to make him act serious. "What makes you happy in life?" Often Magnus and Alec shared deep, intimate conversation in bed; ever sentence bringing them closer together. An awkward silence loomed as Alec searched for an answer. Eventually he whispered, "Would you run if I said you?" Alec mumbled , as if everything was clear for the very first time.
"Would you chase me if I did?" Magnus breathed. Alec jumped on top of Magnus pinning him to the bed. "Watch me!" Alec smirking at his beloved. Magnus reached up and placed his lips on Alecs. The kiss was like the beginning of a story, a promise that one would always chase the other no matter how far the distance. Alec grinned, his face conveying pure bliss. He had finally found happiness.3 years down the line and nothing had changed. Yes, they hit obstacles but nothing overcame the euphoric feeling they felt around each other.
A droplet of sweat dripped from Alecs head as he nervously paced back and forth at the alter. "Alec calm down!" Jace said trying to reassure Alec.
"What if he doesn't show? Marriage is a big step especially a shadowhunter ceremony. What if he's changed his mind?" Alec panicked.
Jace knew no words would calm him until he saw Magnus down the aisle. He just pulled Alec in for a bear hug and whispered "You know he loves to make an entrance!"
Five excruciatingly long minutes later, so Alec thought, and still no sign of Magnus. Alec began to walk back but then the music started to play. The hall filled with Ruelle's soothing lyrics~ Whatever may come, your heart, I will choose
Forever I'm yours, forever I do
I get to love you~ And somehow Alec fell calm because he saw him. He really saw him and Alec knew that the chase was over. Magnus flaunted up to Alec and reached out for his hands whilst mouthing "i love you." With that the ceremony commenced..."Do you take Alec lightwood to be your lawfully wedded husband" Alec closed his eyes, waiting anxiously for the two words to leave the mouth he had touched a thousand times. But Magnus didn't. A silenced loomed much like the one in bed so long ago. Broken quickly by a deep inhale by Magnus. Tears of joy christening his cheeks "Would you run if I said I do?"
Alec smiled from relief and replied.
"Would you catch me if I did?"
Confused faces covered the hall, muttering about whether they were having second thoughts or not. However they couldn't be more wrong. Magnus moved in to seal the deal whilst whispering "No more running my love, you've got me," Alec pressed his lips against Magnus'. A raw, passionate mess of kisses. Alec lost himself to the kiss pulling his hand through Magnus' hair until he remembered where he was. Then reality hit.He was alone. In a dark institute bedroom without Magnus.
Because he didn't run.

Shadowhunter stories ~mainly Malec!
FanficLittle stories, one shots and alternate realities of malec |sizzy|clace and the whole group in different situations. Some may be be funny,sad or juicy?. *characters owned by Cassandra Clare. Enjoy