Alec was so ready to kiss Magnus that night. The atmosphere consumed him- the slight breeze of summer, the glow of the night.
He wanted it; badly.Although, he'd forgotten all about that when he woke.
The party was blurry in Alecs mind, too much alcohol and too much noise caused Alec to forget. It wasn't the last time Alec forgot either. Alcohol became his daily vice. A soother to the pain he called life.
Two weeks later and everyone was in full swing of university. Magnus had a lecture next door to Alec on Mondays so he'd always bring him a coffee afterwards. A sort of excuse to see him. Soon it became a tradition for the two. Then movie night became a thing.Alec hid very well. A pour of whisky here, a glug of vodka there. Magnus nor Jace were aware and Alec knew he needed to keep it that way. They would never understand.
Every Friday, instead of partying or socialising, Magnus and Alec would get cosy under a blanket and watch a movie. They had yet to watch one all the way through because a conversation or in depth discussion would arise.Alec would often grin ear to ear, and chuckle like a child at Magnus' stupidity. Of course Alec was drunk, which was why he could let himself laugh and be in Magnus' company. Not that Magnus knew.
Magnus gazed at Alec, treasuring his floppy hair and beautiful flecks in his eyes. Longing for more than just movie nights.
One night Alec was stuffing popcorn in his mouth, legs crossed, eyes devoted to the screen in front of him. "Do you love him?" Magnus blurted out to which Alec turned to him and looked confused "who?" Alec spluttered out, popcorn flying out of his mouth. "Jace," Magnus sighed. Alec felt so comfortable with Magnus, so at peace like maybe he could tell him and he wouldn't care. "Yes, i think. I don't know," he replied, looking down in shame. Magnus realised in that moment that he wanted Alec, he was falling in love.
Magnus moved his body, to mimic Alecs position.
"I thought I knew what real pain felt like. But then I saw you look at him. I saw the way your eyes watered when you realised what you wanted. The pain painted across your face like a Picasso because you feel like an abomination. But Alec you're not. You're Alec fucking Lightwood, a beautiful, gay man!"
Alec turned his head to stop Magnus from reading him anymore, to hide the tears. The urge for relief overcame Alec; he needed alcohol. He ran to the kitchen knowing Magnus would have some around. He throw open the draws, slammed the cupboard open; their wasn't any. Alec was getting desperate, the emotions alcohol suppressed boiling to the surface. He open the last cupboard to see a shiny bottle of taquilla looking down on him. He grabbed the bottle and gulped the chemical combination, feeling the liquid slither down his throat and into his blood stream. Feeling his muscles relax, he put the bottle back and and leant against the granite surface. Magnus peered around the corner hesitantly, cautious that he pushed Alec too hard.
"I'm sorry" Magnus whispered, walking towards Alec.
"It's okay, it's just very confusing." Alec confessed, letting the tequila take over.
Magnus took Alecs hand, carefully, not to spook him. Magnus noticed Alecs body start to quiver, his muscles tightening as he willed his body not to cry. Magnus quickly pulled Alec into his chest as he let out a whale and started to cry. A cry so devastated, as if a mother just lost her child, or a child, their mother. Alecs world was in pieces but he couldn't find them to even attempt putting them back together. Magnus pulled Alec to the floor, letting him drench Magnus' shirt with tears.
"Don't go" Magnus made out of Alecs cries.
Magnus squeezed Alec tighter and whispered "I'm not going anywhere,"

Shadowhunter stories ~mainly Malec!
FanfictionLittle stories, one shots and alternate realities of malec |sizzy|clace and the whole group in different situations. Some may be be funny,sad or juicy?. *characters owned by Cassandra Clare. Enjoy