All alone

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"There's no one left." Magnus fell to the floor, material draped in a pool around him from his extravagant outfit. Tears spilled from Magnus' eyes,unwillingly, as the realisation of the situation sunk in. For an immortal man, the idea that he would live on while everyone else died was one he had to live with and had grown to accept but picturing it wad a lot easier than actually experiencing it. Not realising how much it would hurt until one morning you have everything you could possibly dream of and then the next... And the next, you're on the floor silently crying, arms wrapped around your wast, physically trying to keep yourself together, trembling at the thought of what life will be like now. That slither of hope, that builds you up just to break you back down, that maybe it's not true, that maybe he'll wake up and Alec will be wrapped around him, head nuselled in Magnus' neck, then reality hits.

The thought of living the rest of his life without the one person he wanted to live it with, broke Magnus. The moment when they said "Alecs gone" Magnus fell apart, pieces of him shattered and scattered on the ground. His world began to crumble from just the word "gone"
No words could escape, just cries of pain. Magnus forced himself to stop, he thought he should be good at this now, that he had grief down to a science but this time it was different. This time he wanted to die too.

Magnus jumped up breathing historically, tear streaming down his cheeks. "Magnus, Magnus what happened?" Alec asked, half asleep.
"Oh Alec" Magnus lept into Alecs arms hugging so tight Alec could feel Magnus' heartbeat. "Your alive" he sighed in relief.
Alec chuckled "of course, why would you think?"
Magnus cut in "i had a nightmare you died and it felt so real... The pain, it was excruciating. I was all alone" Magnus' cried.
"Hey, look at me. I will never," Alec paused turning Magnus' head towards him "I will never leave you."

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