Chapter 1: For the first time

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~Lucy's P.O.V.~

Hi my name is Lucy Heartfilia and I'm 17 years old. I'm about to be 18 in like two months. I go to Fairy Tail High School and I'm in my senior year. I have lots of friends, but never in my life have I gotten a boyfriend because I haven't found someone that I actually like or someone that likes me for who I am.

I'm currently walking out of school since it's the end of the school day. It's been a very long day because all day I've been studying and taking test since the end of the second quarter is almost here. Today is finally Friday and I could finally take a break from studying. I could finally go out with my friends.

A day out with friends will help to distract myself from school and be able to rest from all those hours of school work.

Being with my friends makes me happy because they've always been there for me and also helped me with everything that has happened to me. We've been best friends ever since we were little. My friends and I are like sisters, we've done everything together ever since we met years ago.

My friends and I arrived at a cafe that's a few blocks away from school. The cafe is called Mira's cafe. It's our hangout spot because every time that we would meet up it's always at Mira's cafe.

"So what did you think about the new guy in our class. Isn't he dreamy." said Juvia dreamily.

For some odd reason she has taken a liking for the new kid that keeps on taking off his clothes for no apparent reason.

"Yeah Juvs." I said not really caring about the guy. That's the thing about me, I haven't ever liked or looked at any guy in my life. Every guy that I've met has turned out to be a douche bag. Most of the guys at school don't even care about our feelings, all they care about is themselves.

"I think I'm in love." said Juvia.

She can't be in love already, she just met the guy like 5 hours ago. Juvia doesn't even know the guy well enough to be in love.

"You can't be in love you just met the guy." I told Juvia. I know that Juvia is a little clingy. She just doesn't know about personal space. I know that she means well but it's sometimes annoying that she's too clingy.

"I know, but I do for some unknown reason." she answered.

"Okay, whatever." I said. "So Levy who do you like."

" talking about...No one. Why?" she said turning her head away from us for we could not see her face. I know that her face is red from thinking about her crush.

"Oh really because I could clearly see you blushing." said both Erza and I at the same time.

"NO! What are you talking about? exclaimed Levy blushing madly. Right when she said that the whole table started laughing at her except Juvia who's still fantasizing about the new kid.

"So who's the guy." asked Mira with a sparkle in her eyes while she sat down with us. Oh No the matchmaker is coming out. It's time to pray for Levy to survive Mira's wrath.

When Mira gets started about her ships no one can stop her except her boyfriend Laxus. The thing is that Laxus is my cousin.

Mia ships everyone at the school, but except me. Since she hasn't found someone to ship me with. So I'm in the clear for now, but my friends aren't.

"I don't know what you're talking about Mira." said Levy.

"Mira calm down I know how much you want to pair us up with someone, but it takes time. I also want Levy to be with someone that will treat her like a princess, but there's no one good enough for our Levy." said Erza and we all nodded.

"Mira don't you need to get back to work. I know you own the place an all, but you're understaffed since your sister is at cheer practice." I said.

"Yeah you're right I should get going then. Bye." said Mira as she gets up.

"Bye." we all said. She headed back up to the counter.

We all talked for a while longer until I had to leave because it was getting late.

"I had a great time, but it's getting late. I should get going it gets dark. I want to get some stuff done before I go to bed." I said.

"Ok bye." they all said. I got up and left the cafe.

I started making my way down the street thinking about what I'm gonna do 1st when I get home. I was so lost in thought that I didn't look where I was going and bumped into something or rather someone. I fell on my ass. I look up to see a pink haired man.

That's weird who in the world has pink hair. I look up at his face and notice that even though he has pink hair, he's so handsome. I love his hair, skin, and lips. I would love to jump him and kiss him on those oh so perfect lips.

"Miss. Are you alright?" asked the pink haired man. That made me blush and stopped me from what I was thinking about.

"Y-yes!" I answered. He offered me his hand and I took it. His hands are so soft and warm. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Now you sure you're ok."

"Yes I'm absolutely positive Sir."

"No don't call me sir. My name is Natsu Dragneel and what's yours." asked Natsu.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia. It's pleasure to meet you Natsu."

"No the pleasure is all mine Lucy." said Natsu with a wide smile.

~Natsu's P.O.V.~

Hi my name is Natsu Dragneel and I'm 23 years old. I'm a policeman. I have many friends, but I've never fallen in love with anyone. I'm making my way home from work when I bump into someone. She falls on her ass and looks up at me.

Wow! She's beautiful. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I feel like I want to kiss her pink plump lips.

"Miss are you alright." I asked her.

"Y-yes" she answered. I offered her my hand. Once she was off the ground she thanked me. I asked again just to make sure if she's alright and she answered with "Yes I'm absolutely positive sir."

"No don't call me sir. My name is Natsu Dragneel and what's yours." I asked.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia." she answered with a smile."It's a pleasure to meet you Natsu." Her name sounds familiar. Oh well.

"No the pleasure is all mine Lucy."

She's so beautiful, kind, delightful, appealing, gorgeous, stunning, glamorous, elegant, and divine. Even though I just met her I know that she's all those things and many more.

The policeman and the high schooler(NaLu Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now