Chapter 28: The day

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~2 months later~

Today is the day that Natsu has decided to propose to Lucy. He's been waiting for this day to come ever since he met Lucy.

Natsu wanted to wait for the appropriate time and place to do it for the passed 6 months, but never has since she's been too busy studying.

He knows how important her career is to her and her family is, so he thought why not get the help of everyone that she holds dear to help him.

~Natsu's P.O.V.~

I can't believe that the day that I've been planning for so long has finally arrived.

We've been together for 2 years and I knew that I wanted to marry her a long time ago. It was always a matter when to do it.

I've been waiting for the perfect time to ask her and I've also been worrying about when she'll be ready.

For these passed two years there was never quite a right time to ask her. But now, now I could feel that it is time to finally ask her that question that I've been dying to ask her.

Running my fingers through my hair I smiled thinking about all those times we've been together. How everything she does just makes my heart race with no control.

I'm currently getting ready for the date that I've planned leading up to the special event that we'll be ending up going to, but Lucy wouldn't imagine what's coming her way.



I took Lucy to a book cafe, which Lucy loved. Every minute that we were there she was smiling while reading and drinking her favorite beverage. I was reading along side her, but I wasn't really paying that much attention to it since I kept staring at the way that Lucy smiled while reading.

For the first time in a while she was relaxed while reading something that she loved instead of studying. Now that she's on break she doesn't have to worry about school for a while, which is a good thing cause she's been stressed about her schoolwork everyday. I know that school is very important to her, but she very smart to have made it into that school. She shouldn't worry about when I know that she'll accomplish everything that she sets her mind to.

We spent 2 hours there before going to her favorite restaurant. I loved the way that her eyes light up whenever we end up going somewhere that she likes. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Aww Natsu I can't believe that you keep on taking me to places that I love. You know you don't have to right." she said.

"But I want to and you deserve this and so much more." I said.

"It doesn't matter where we go as long as we're together. That's all that matters to me." she said while holding my hand.

"I know, but today I want to do all this for you since you're on break from school and I know you need to relax during this time doing everything that you love.

"Natsu." sighed Lucy.

Once we left the restaurant we walked holding hands enjoying our surroundings and each other. The closer we got to our next destination the more nervous I got with each step we took. I've never been this nervous ever in my entire life.

"I can't wait to finally be able to see Erza's bakery." said Lucy while rolling her eyes slightly, " considering how secretive she's been about it and not letting me help her."

"She probably wanted it to be a surprise. Don't forget that she's a really independent woman that doesn't let anybody help her with anything. Jellal was barely able to help her, but after a while she finally caved in and let him help her out." I replied with a smile on my face. Taking Lucy's hand in mine I guided her into the bakery. It smelled like fresh goods being taken out of the oven.

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