Chapter 27: Asking?

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~2 years later Lucy's P.O.V.~

It's been 2 amazing years with Natsu I couldn't ask for someone better.

For the passed two years Natsu has been supporting me with my career choice by never leaving my side and helping me out whenever I need it. He always makes sure that I eat probably especially the nights that I'm studying for a major test.

While our moms have been pushing us to get married already we've been enjoying spending time together.

Lisanna hasn't bothered us at all for the passed 2 years which I'm grateful, but I have a feeling that she has something planned since she probably received her inheritance already.

My relationship with my brother Sting has gotten better, but it still has a long way to go. Since what he did to me isn't a small matter that you can make go away over night, but we're working things out the best we could.

~Grandeeney's P.O.V.~

I know that Natsu wants to get married, but he takes a relationship seriously. So I know that once he wants to find the right, but I want my baby to already get married with Lucy.

Lucy is Natsu's happiness, I've been seeing that for the passed two years. Lucy brings out a smile that I've never seen Natsu have until now.

The happiness of my children is the most important thing for me. I just want them to be happy with whoever they want as long as they have a civilized career.

It doesn't matter who they end up with unless they fall in love with a criminal that I wouldn't allow it. I want my children to be happy with a good person that would treat them the way they deserve to be treated because they are amazing. And are worth so much more than being with someone who doesn't see that.

~Layla's P.O.V.~

I'm so happy that  Lucy started being happy again and that she's being herself with someone who appreciates her for who she is and not because of her money.

I can absolutely notice that Natsu makes Lucy very happy and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Out of nowhere we hear the doorbell ring while I was in the study with Jude.

A few moments later Virgo knocks on the door and walks in.

"Ma'am and sir, Natsu is in the living wanting to talk with both of you." she told us.

We nodded while Jude answered, "Thank you, Virgo. We'll be there in a bit."

A few minutes later we made our way to the living room since we don't want to keep him waiting much longer.

We talked for a while until Natsu started getting a little nervous.

"Well, I have something to talk to you guys about."

"What is it son?" I asked.

"I just wanted to tell you guys how much I appreciate both of you and growing up with my family I never thought that there was another family that has so much love and so much care and support and then you guys came into my life. I love you guys so much. The more I get to know Lucy the more I love her and the more that she's a woman that I really can't see spending my life without her. I just wanted to talk to you as her parents and get  your permission to ask your daughter to marry me. If that's okay." Natsu said with so much nerves, but also confidence behind his words.

"Yes." we both say at the same time.

"Finally." I continue. "I've been hoping that day would come and I know that you're the perfect person for Lucy to marry."

"I wish you the best. I think you're going to be a great married couple. From what I've seen these passed few years you're a great guy that would make my daughter happy and she enjoys being with you. I'm proud that you're going to be apart of our family." said Jude.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Heartfilia." he said.

"Natsu, we've told you countless times that you can call us Layla and Jude, but now you could start calling us Mom and Dad." I said.

"What? No. She hasn't even said yes just yet. You never know what she's going to say." He mentions with the nerves getting the best of him.

"She will say yes." said Jude.

"How do you know that?" Natsu asked.

"Cause she adores you and I could see how happy you've made her these passed 2 years. It doesn't matter how long it's taken for you to ask, but the thought into the proposal is what truly matters. Don't worry about it too much we'll help you and I think you should ask Laxus and Sting for help too. Oh and her friends. That way you can narrow down the right proposal idea for Lucy and it's not just on you. It gives you more of a breather." I told him to calm him down a bit.

~Natsu's P.O.V.~

I'm getting home and I still can't believe that I have permission to ask Lucy to marry me. I just never thought that this feeling was even possible.

I still don't know how to ask her. What kind of surprise would be amazing enough that she'll love?

I received a text from Lucy, which makes me smile every time that she texts me especially today of all days.


L: Natsu you are amazing literally cannot believe this thank you beyond words I don't know what to say.

N: You're worth it all and more. All that matters to me is that you're happy.

L: I am happy beyond measure.


I gave her a big surprise at her school plus a few others things that were inside her apartment that I knew that she would love.

For me it doesn't matter how much money we have, but how much time we spend together. In a relationship both of you need to put in the work in order for it to work.



How do you think that Natsu is going to propose to Lucy?

If you have any ideas please leave a comment.

And hope everyone stays healthy and safe.

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