Chapter 10: Trying to

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~Lucy's P.O.V.~

"What are you doing here? I thought that you weren't coming back until tomorrow." said Natsu.

"Well I was starting to get bored and also miss all my friends and a certain someone." I said trying to be as subtle as possible.

"Oh so you missed me." he says with a smirk on his oh so handsome face.

"Maybe, but you're not the only person that I missed while being out of town." with a smile on my face and teasing him .

"So how much did you miss me then." he asked knowing full well that I missed him.

"Just as much as I missed my friends." I said teasing him.

"I thought you missed me more that just hurt my feelings." he said acting all hurt while holding his heart.

"Don't worry I dd miss you about one percent more than my friends. They sometimes get on my nerves."

"You just brought me back to life." he said

"Stop being over dramatic." I said

"Well that's how I am sometimes." he said with a big toothy grin.

"Yeah I could see that."

"So what's going on with your friends."

"They just keep trying to set me up with guys that I don't know or tolerate. One of my friends is a matchmaker. So she loves setting us up with guys that she thinks is a perfect match for us."

"Oh that must be tough."

"Yeah it is, but I can handle it since I've gotten used to my friend meddling in my life."

"Yeah I get what you're saying. I've got a younger sister and a mother that keeps on trying to set me up with people that I hardly know or someone that I can't stand. I can handle going out with someone that I hardly know, but someone that I've known all my life, but is also someone that I can't stand to be around anymore is just plain cruel. Like one time my mom sent me on a date with a family friend's daughter, which I've known her ever since I was 5 years old. She has always been after me, but I never really paid her any attention. She's very annoying, like I can't tolerate her voice whenever she speaks. The so called date didn't even last an hour. I ate my food at lightning speed and paid for the meal and just high tailed out of there while she was in the restroom." he said.

"That must've been rough on you to have to go through that date all cause of your mom." I said knowing full well how it is to go on a date that you don't want to go on.

"Yeah it was really rough cause she wouldn't stop talking about herself. When I left while she was in the restroom probably fixing her makeup she called me for days leaving me messages asking why I left her. After a few days of her calling me nonstop I grew tired of her spamming my phone so I changed my phone number and blocked her on everything that she could possibly contact me on. I even told my mom that I don't like Lis that way and that she's really annoying." he said.

"Oh, how did she react when you told her?" I asked trying to fight back a smile.

"She went hysterical. She started saying that Lis is a good girl, sweet, charming and isn't annoying at all and how could I possibly say that about my future wife."

"What future wife?" I say dumbfounded.

"Yeah that's when I lost it. I screamed at her saying that I'll never marry Lis even if she was the last person on this earth. I even told her that since she wants me to marry Lis than I'll just have to move out, which I did. I only see my little sister on Sundays since that's the only day that I don't work on." he says.

"Wait what about Saturdays." she asked

"Saturday is only for you. That's the day that I spend with with you and only you."

"Wow you're making me feel special all of a sudden." she says joking.

"You are special." he says with a toothy grin, which makes her blush. Her heart leaped out of her chest the moment he said that she's special.

A few weeks ago I wouldn't have understood what was happening to me, but now I knew perfectly clear what was. I now realize that I've fallen in love with Natsu. Even though I've only known him for a few weeks the feelings are still there.

~An hour later~

They're now sitting down in a cafe having a very long conversation, while drinking a cup of coffee and eating a piece of cake.

"So I've been meaning to tell you something important."she says.

"What is it?"

"Well you know that I'm rich."


"You still don't know my last name knowing it will shock you , but I know it's time to tell someone about this secret I've been keeping for the past 5 years."

"Okay, what is it"

"My last name is Heartf--------"she whispered

"Lucy what are you doing here. I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow."interrupted Mira. "And what are you doing with Natsu."

"Oh no not Mira." mumbled both Natsu and Lucy.

"They turned to each other and laughed for a brief moment before realization hit them that they both know Mira.

"I came back early to do a couple of things before Monday, but how do you know Natsu." said Lucy.

"He's a family friend. What about you how do you know him." she asked.

"I met him a few weeks ago on my way home one day."


"Aren't you suppose to be with Laxus right now."Lucy says sending a smirk Mira's way.

"What? He's back why hasn't he called me?" she says happy to hear from her beloved.

"Opps I wasn't suppose to say anything. I guess I ruined the surprise."

"Where is he at?"she asked enthusiastically.

"I don't know look for him in your usual hangout places." right when that left her mouth Mira dashed out the door.

"That was awesome I thought she wasn't gonna leave us alone."

"Yeah, but I know her weakness really well. Hold on I've got to warn Laxus."

L: Hey bro

La:What do you want?

L: I just saw Mira and I had to lie to her

La: Why?

L: Cause she saw me with Nastu and I was afraid that she was gonna start with her matchmaking

La: OK what did you tell her

L: That you were going to surprise her at one of yuur usual hang out places.

La: Now I have to plan something

L: She just left we're at the cafe shop at Echo Ln that way u could plan it at a farthest hangout spot that you have.

La:Thanks sis

L:Your welcome bro, but u owe me one

La: Okay what do you want

L: I'll tell u later

La: Ok it better not be something huge

L: Who knows it might be

La: Don't you dare

L: Bye u better hurry up Mira is fast whenever it comes down to you

La: Okay bye

While putting away my phone I was smiling and Natsu noticed it because he mentions something that stunned me.


Will Lucy be able to tell him who she is before he finds out himself?

How will her friends react when they finally know the truth?

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