The Repeated Love 05 - Another Battle with Varia's Spy

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"Wh-what did she say just now? Varia? Varia who?"

"Looks like that group has start their movement.."

"Reborn? Who is this Varia stuff that Riekka-san mentioned just now?"

'If Juudaime-sama doesn't know about this.. it will be dangerous.. but whatever it is, I have to protect him no matter what.'

"Riekka! Look out!" You snapped back as Gokudera's voice interrupted your mind.

'Oh no..! I couldn't manage to dodge the upcoming bomb!' Reborn stood in front of you and shoot the bomb instead.

"Are you okay, Riekka? Focus now."

"Y-yes. I'm sorry, Sensei."

Hibari kick the next bomb near him and now both of you stand side by side, back facing each other.

"What is it, herbivore? Is all the strength that you show me is only for a fake act?"

"I'm sorry for that." You grinned.


Gokudera shields Tsuna from the attack. "Chey! How coward to fight without showing yourself!"

"Heheheh. I think you are right.."

An unknown guy stepped out from a dark alley and reveals himself. "I guess there is no need for any introduction. I just wanted to finish my mission as ordered by boss!!"

"Che. This will only be a waste of time. Unless.." Reborn kick Tsuna in front of you, who was preparing yourself to take the attack from the enemy.

"Reborn what are you- ARGH!"

Tsuna land on the side and fainted from the punch.




He fainted -----> X__X (Typical Tsuna)

"Heh. What a wimp. Is this what you called as Vongola boss? How pathetic."

You grip your fists.

"Huh? What's your problem woman? Ah, I remember.. you are the one who defeated me yesterday, right? Now I come back to-"


Your eyes instantly change to gold color as the ground crack into pieces, as if there's an earthquake when you release the power. The enemy fly a few feet away from an unknown force that suddenly pull him back roughly.

"Riekka! Please get a hold of yourself!" Ceres appeared in white, smooth figure and hug your shoulder from behind.

Through the dizzy eyes, Tsuna saw Ceres and stunned from her beauty. 'Wh-who is that??'

The enemy, once again, fainted. Your eyes change back to its original color as you calmed down.

"I'm sorry.. I overdid it again.."

Gokudera held up Tsuna and walk towards you. "Are you alright, Juudaime?"

"Uh.. uhn.. thank you, Gokudera-kun."

"So.. what are you going to do with this guy?" Yamamoto poke the spy with his bamboo sword.

"At the moment.. tie him up." Reborn grinned.


"Who are you and who send you to kill Vongola 10th?"

You paced around the black haired guy who was tied around a wooden chair. He glared at you and you did the same, but look down immediately as you stare him with the aura of 'If you keep on glaring at me like that, I'll seriously crack your neck til it's snap into half.'

"Answer now. Who sent you? Or else.." Reborn hold Leon and it change its shape into a big hammer and pointed it towards the guy.

"Se-sensei O.o.."

"T-tch..! No matter what force that you will do, I will not split out the information!"

"Hmph... Riekka.."

"Yes, Sensei."

He gulped.

"W-what are you-"

You slowly entwined your fingers together and change your death stare to cute, pleading stare.

"Ne~ could joo pwease tell mehh~? Ne, pwease~~"

He sweats. A LOT.



"I-I-I was send by x-x-xanxu-"

There's a sudden click at his pocket and it explodes where purple smoke roaming around the room.

"Tch..! Riekka! Don't smell the smoke! It's poisonous!"

You cough and step backwards when there's a foam coming out from the guy's mouth. "Sensei.. he-"

"Yes, he died.. looks like the sender had prepared this just in case this guy will leak some information in advance."

"I knew about Varia, and if I'm not mistaken from the way he said it.. it was Xanxus."

"Looks like Tsuna will be facing a new dangerous enemy."

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now