The Repeated Love 23 - Unknown Throbbing Pain & Shocking Future

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It's like an amusing scene to the sun guardian of Varia by seeing his boss who grip the basket that is full of various fruits in his hand, pacing here and there in front of your room. The so-called boss had been released from his punishment of his sin that he created and the damage to 9th Vongola boss. Like Mammon said, it is a simple punishment where it wont make Varia boss be tortured easily.

By the way, back to Xanxus..

He didn't admit that the heavy feeling that pressured his heart had lifted up, after hearing that 9th has recovered from the rough battle. And yet, another uneasy feeling came again when he heard that the right hand woman of Vongola Decimo has been kidnapped. 'It's troublesome if the best existed of future right hand woman of Varia is dead.', he thought. 'It's not like I'm worried about that woman..', he added. Typical of stubborn (tsundere :3) Xanxus.

"My, although he said he didn't care about Riekka, he is like a husband waiting for his wife who was in labor." Lussuria giggles. Not only him, but it amused the other members, except Squalo who had been fighting inside himself to not to laugh and Levi, who is burning with jealousy.

Xanxus grinds his teeth.

"Tch! Screw this!!" He kicked the door open which startled the hospital staffs around the hall. "OI! WOMAN-" He was about to throw the basket, but resisted himself from doing so when he saw you with Ceres beside your bed. Both of the celestial maidens looked as if there is no life inside their orbs; where it represents their soul. Maybe Ceres is not a life being, but her usual smile always makes her as one of those who is alive. But now, it really described her real form; spirit. Riekka herself is like a lifeless doll who waited for her master as she stare out idly from the window. She didn't even realize Xanxus was there.

'Not her usual self, huh?' Squalo narrowed his eyes when Mammon's report on Riekka's condition echoes back in his mind.

"O-Oi.. woman.."

The sound that breaks the silence wakes your daze. Xanxus widened his eyes as you turn to him with a smile, together with Ceres. Where is the expressionless face just now?

"Xanxus-sama..? I didn't see you there..!"

"Yes, you should have knock first you know.." You chuckle.

"Tch. I kicked the door. Are you deaf or something?"



"Xanxus! Don't destroy the public property!"

"As if I care about it!"

'This two.. is kind of different..' Squalo scoffed. "Voi! Whatever! We just came to visit you to see if you are doing well! It is such a bother if the right hand woman of Varia is dying!"

"You are stubborn about the fact aren't you, Xanxus?" You giggle this time.

"There is no fact! I already told you I will not give up on having you as my right hand woman!"

"I've told you, I will always be Juudaime-sama's right hand woman-"

You tug on your chest abruptly when a sore, painful prick feeling stabs in your heart. Why? It is normal when you feel the passion to serve your Juudaime-sama, and the love for him-

Another thrust.

"...!!" You gasped and breathe heavily then gripped on the bed sheet.

"O-Oi..! What's wrong??"

"Riekka? What's the matter?"

"No.. nothing.. I just.." 'What's wrong with me? Isn't it natural for me to have this kind of feeling towards Juudaime-sama-'

Next, the pain attacks your head.

"...!! My head!!"


'It's throbbing.. it's throbbing so much.. have I forgotten something..? Something really important? Why..'

You couldn't hear your surroundings anymore as the people in the room starts to panic as you collapsed.


'Is this for real..?'

Wakes up in a coffin.

Meets the ten years later form of Gokudera.

Meets with unknown woman named Lal Mirch after the adult Gokudera turns into ten years before form of Gokudera.

Get attacked by a robot.

Saved by adult Yamamoto.

Meets Reborn in a secret hiding place.

The idea of all the technologies is his..

And the guardians has scattered on their own mission to protect the family from the attack of Millfiore; Byakuran.

"Hiii!! This is too much!!! OUCHH DON'T PINCH ME!!"

"Get a grip of yourself, dame-Tsuna."

"B-But the future is just..!"


"You tell me!!"

"Hahaha. It is common to be shocked after all." The adult Yamamoto grinned. 'He changed a lot,' Tsuna thought. 'No more.. the playful character.. he is like.. more serious and matured..'

"Seeing this situation, we have to gather other guardians." Reborn's words breaks his thoughts.

"What?" He look down to the baby in his weird white suit.

"All the previous bosses did this. If there is crisis, he have to gather all the guardians to overcome it."

Tsuna shivered as he grip his fists. "What are you trying to say..? I don't get it! And on top of that, you had said the acquaintances of Vongola would also become the target! Does that mean my mom, Kyoko-chan and others are also targeted??"

"When I want to meet with Lal Mirch, Lambo and I-pin were looking for Sasagawa and Haru, she said." The Rain guardian added.

"Yes, now we are waiting the latest news from them."

"The friends that we made from these past years had also been killed."

"..Including Yamamoto's father."

Yamamoto glances to the other side of the room when Reborn had said the most shocking news.


Then, it hit him when an image of certain someone came in his mind.


"...Riekka-san.. how about her..? Where is she?"

"She is.."

All attention goes to the meeting room's door when it creak open, and Tsuna's eyes widened as it revealed a woman in her 20's.


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