The Repeated Love 47 - The Reason to His Failure

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Giotto glance at the red haired man.

"Similar look?" He sigh to his best friend. "Maybe it is just a coincidence, G."

"No, Primo. I'm really sure about it."


"Have you forgotten what Talbot had said? Even though her body disappeared, her soul must have been wondering somewhere else in this world!"

"...For throughout the decades..?"


"Now, let us focus on this trial first, G."

"Are you still blaming yourself?"


"Primo. I had knew you for a long time. I know.. you wanted to meet her again. You missed her. Don't deny it anymore, Primo."


A blue flame appeared beside Giotto. "Yes, Primo?"

"How was the first stage going on?"

"Primo, don't ignore me!"

"Ah, it had been better if the rain guardian focus on the battle.. his mind seems a bit away from his true intention for this trial."

"I see.. then keep it up and guide him."

G shakes his head; sometimes this old friend of his really stubborn deep down. But he was really sure, his eyes wouldn't deceive him. It was her.. the first's precious right hand woman..



Lifting your chin from the warm milk, you lick the foam on your lips while muttering "He is not in his usual self? Takeshi-kun did?" You sip again as Tsuna nods from your question.

"Yeah.. even the first's rain guardian said he is not worthy to inherit his power in Yamamoto-kun's current state.."

You turn to Ceres. "Is Asari-sama really strict, Ceres?"

Ceres shakes her head. "No, he is not strict at all. His personality is quite similar to Takeshi-san. Carefree and cheerful. I guess there must be something in Takeshi-san that Ugetsu-sama saw; which is the reason why he said that Takeshi-san is not worth to inherit his power.."

"M-maybe he is still pressured with the future's condition.."

You frown when you see your boss's sad face. 'Juudaime-sama..'

"Uhn! I get it!"

"E-eh? Get what O.O?"

"I'll be back, Juudaime-sama!"

"Ehhh Riekka! You still have the foam-"

"Oh where??" Tsuna nearly shriek out loud when you casually licking your lips in front of him. Again.


Ugetsu grinned as he was observing the 10th Vongola boss's rain guardian from the place not too far from Yamamoto's dojo. "He is still training, I see.." His attention then goes to you who was busy tip-toeing towards the dojo's door. "Haha. A very cute girl indeed^^. Hmm.. her face looks familiar though.." Then he chuckle when he get the answer by himself. "Ah, now I remember~she is the Vongola decimo's right hand woman!"

He smiled to the title. 'Right hand woman.. huh? It had been more than hundred years for a vongola to have a right hand woman..'

Yamamoto gripped on his sword. "No.. I must focus.. I must win this.. I have to.."

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now