The Repeated Love 86 - Vongola Style Trip Part 1

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'Ugh.. my head.. hurts.. but..'

The corner of his eyes twitched to the soft surface on the side of his head.

'But.. what is this that I'm laying on to..?'

As he fluttered his eyes open, he blinks to your smiling face.

"Good morning, Tsuna." You smiled.

He raised his eyebrows, then flinched when he realized he was leaning on your shoulder, and his left hand was on your right at that.


"Ah, good morning, Juudaime!"

He turned to Gokudera. "E-eh?? Gokudera-kun?"

"Yo. Tsuna."

He averted to Yamamoto. "Y-Yamamoto??"

"Gehehehe! I can see a lot of cars from here!"

"Lambo! Be quiet!"

"L-Lambo and I-pin too?"

He turned, and turned, looking at every corner of the seats in the bus. Starting from your back are Ceres and Giotto, followed by G and Ugetsu, Knuckle and Lampo, and at the last seat at the back was Daemon alone.

"Eh? Where is.."

"Ah, Alaude is within your cloud guardians' ring."

"I insisted him to come, which he gave out a negative respond at first, but thanks to Riekka.." Ceres giggled. "Her moe technique is really handy when it comes to this kind of matter."


You smiled shyly. "Ehehe.."

'=////= Ah.. she is soo adorable..'

"T-then Hibari-san must have come along too. But.." Tsuna peek to the seat beside the driver's, which only seated by Giannini and Fuuta. "Where could he be?"

Yamamoto points upwards. "Up there ^^."


"Very persistent, huh? He is just like Alaude." Tsuna sweat dropped as Knuckle chuckled like there is no care in the world about Hibari sleeping on top of the freaking bus.

When he realized it, at the back of his head is still painful. "Ouch.. it still hurts.."

"Sensei hit you so hard last night. Even if it's just a pillow.." You turned to your tutor and glared at him, looking back towards Tsuna again as you earned a smirk--more like a grin from Reborn.

"Well that's the only way to make that no-good boyfriend of yours to sleep."


"He kept on blushing and day dreaming pervy thoughts about you, so, in order to make it stop, I have no other choice to smack him on the head."

You pout. "He wont do that, Sensei!!"

Tsuna sweat dropped. 'It's true though.. but not perverted stuff..!!' He was just excited to go on a trip with you, so he couldn't help himself.

"My, my, Reborn-san. You better hold yourself from teasing there, because our Riekka is not happy about it." Ceres giggled as she pats on your shoulder. "Then..!" She clapped her hands together. "Where is our first destination would be?"

"Oho." Reborn clears his throat and grabbed the microphone at the same second. "We will go all over Japan in two days."

"What? All over Japan?? We wont be able to relax!"

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