The Repeated Love 13 - The Upcoming Danger during School Festival

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"School festival?"

"Yeah, we supposed to held it by this year, but the disciplinary commitee did not agree to the plan." Kyoko sigh as she puts down her sandwich. "I have a lot of plans in mind.. I wanted to suggest butler and maid cafe for our class."

You chew your octopus ball. "Hmm.. disciplinary commitee.. Hibari Kyouya?"

"Shh! Don't say it out loud! He will bite you to death!" The other girl said while covering your mouth.

"Mmmphh @.@!"

"He does not like crowds.." Hana added. "He hates it, to be exact."

You push out from the grip. "Well, we wont know unless we try to negotiate with him." You stands up. "I'll go and try."

"Ne-negotiate? But he will always have his afternoon nap on the school rooftop! It's better if we just give up! We don't know what he will do!"

"Hehehe. I have my own plan, don't worry ^^."

"Ah, wait..! Riekka-chan!"


Hibari, like the girl said, was having his afternoon nap. He didn't even flinch when you open the door to the rooftop. As you come in, you were greeted by a small, yellow fluffy bird which it flies from Hibari and landed on your shoulder. "Hey there, Hibird." You cooed, and Hibird responds by chirping your name. "Riekka! Riekka!"

"My, what a genius bird."

"Yeah. He was saved by Kyouya."

"What are you mumbling about, herbivore."


He was glaring straight in front of your face.

"KYA!" You stumble back and fell on your butt.

"What are you doing here? How dare you disturb my nap."

"Uh.. Kyouya.. do you have to do that?? Ouch.." You rub your back. "I just came for a negotiation.."

"Negotiate for what? There is nothing to discuss here. Now scram before I bite you to death."

"Hm. Try me- oops!" You step backwards as he thrust his tonfa. "Hey that's not fair to attack without warning- kya!" You dodge again. "Hey! Sto- O.O..!" You flap your hands, trying to keep your balance but yet your leg twisted and you stumble forward, falling on top of him.

"Uhm.." You flattered your eyes open, gasping as you saw the rage Kyouya in front of you. "Wha..! I'm sor- ouch..!" Kyouya bonk you on the head lightly with his tonfa. "Get off." You quickly get away from him. "Pfft! You don't have to hit my head like that!"

"Hn. Make it fast."

"Make what?"

"What is your purpose coming here? Make it fast, I want to sleep."

">3< Hmph! Fine, I'll make it fast like a bullet train! Ok, like this! I want to negotiate about the school festival-"


"Eh?? I haven't finished my word yet!"

"I know what you want. You want me to approve the school festival stuff, right? The answer is NO."



"No matter how I beg??"


"Come on, Kyouya! I came from Italy and haven't experience the school festival in Japa-"


"Ok, ok! I will have another battle with you if you agree to it!"

"...." His eyes revert to you. It shows interest and you find some hope in it.

"I promise! Nothing can disturb our battle!"

"I'll think about i-"

"I bet you wanted to see my celestial power, riiiighht??"

"...." He glance at you again.

"Right? Right?? Please.. Kyouya.." You tug on his black jacket. "Please?" Your show him the cutest pout with your pleading puppy eyes. 'Moe no jutsu ON!'

"Riekka.. are you using moe technique..==''?"



You beamed. "Eh?? Really? You agree to do the school festival??"


"Yayyy!! Thank you Kyouya!!" He twitch when you hug his arms. "Let go.. now scram, Riekka."

"Yay- what..?"

"I said, scram."

"No.. what did you say just now?"

"Let go."

"No, after scram.."


You gasped in total shock and happiness. "You.. you called my name..!"

"What's wrong with it? You are the one who wanted me to call you-"

He stopped as you smile at him.


"Uhn.. nothing. I feel very happy."

"Tch.. whatever."

Observing his personality, Ceres giggles as he reminds her of someone who have the same attitude as him. Stubborn but kind deep within.


"Hoo.. school festival? How interesting. Since the second target is in the same school as the main target, the plan has getting easier." Clutching on the Mare ring in his palm, he give out a chuckle. "Byakuran-sama, let I, Regolio, carry out this strategy..."

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