The Repeated Love 46 - Realization

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You nod and take the warm honey milk from Tsuna. "Thank you, Juudaime-sama.." You sip the delicious drink and let out a satisfied sigh from the sweet sensation in your throat. You pause as you feel a weird aura infront of you, and by lifting your eyes, you see your boss was focusing his attention none other than you.

"Uhm.. is there.. something on my face..?"

He startled when he realized you were looking at him.

"A-ah? N-n-no..! It-It's just.." His eyes averted to every corner of his bedroom to ignore the butterfly feeling in his stomach.

'Uwahh this is awkward!! I just can't differentiate the feature of future Riekka and her past form. Both of it gave the same attractive vibe- wait.. did I just think that Riekka is-'




"E-e-ehhh I-I'm sorry..!!"

"You must be tired.. I'm sorry for causing such disturbance to you tonight.."

"No!! It's not that..! Oh!! There's some milk foam on your upper lips, Riekka!"

"Eh?? Oh my, this is embarassing >///<!"

Tsuna's eyes immediately went wide as you wipe the foam by licking it with your moist tongue. The way you lick your lips makes him gulp, and this fact suddenly pop in his brain: You are attractive and he can't deny it anymore.

"Is it gone?"

"O////O Y.. yes."

"Hehe. I can't help it, the milk that you made specially for me is delicious to the point the foam stick on my lips." He sweat drop when you giggle innocently.

'She really.. had forgotten.. her confession, huh?'

That night, Tsuna had a dream which makes him sweat a lot from it. He abruptly wake up from the nightmare, shaking his head from the thoughts in his brain. It is as if.. he met with his evil self in the dream.

"Isn't it better like this? Now there is no obstacle to be happy with Kyoko-chan. Since she had forgotten that she confessed to me, now it's the chance to get away from helping her to get her memory back."

The words keep repeating again and again in his mind. He shakes his head again from it; trying his best to ignore it.

'How could I.. think like that..'

He feels very guilty now. Guilty.

Should he just follow what his dream said?

Should he help Riekka?

Should he just ignore it so that future Riekka wont be in trouble like sacrificing herself on and on for him?


Riekka is really kind, he thought.

When the image of future you smiling at him appears in his mind, he slap himself this time.

'How could I think like that at this crucial time???'

He narrowed his eyes to your sleeping form. '...I'm.. so selfish.. I only think of my own feelings than hers..'

"From this situation, you should think deep down who you wanted to protect the most. Between Kyoko or Riekka."

Reborn's words then suddenly replace his chaotic thinking.

'Kyoko-chan.. or.. Riekka...'

He look at you again; grinding his teeth as he remembers the future you lean your head on his shoulder, whispering 'I love you' non-stop to him. He was about to caress your cheek when suddenly his super intuition hit him.

'....Wait. If the current Riekka had forgotten about her feelings towards me, then why her future self still...'

His eyes widened, reminiscing everything that happened in the future always relate to Riekka's and other people's words: 'It's only a small matter to Riekka to the point there is no need to tell me about it.'

He reminisced the after result of the time where Riekka protects him from the bullet through her chest: 'She had forgotten her memories due to the shock of the pain. Especially, the memory of her confession to him.'


And that is when, Tsuna realized.. how much he had been such a fool on how much you had devote your love to him all this while..


Ceres stretch her hand to the faraway moon in the sky.


She wanted to meet him so much, so.. much. But why? There is something in her heart that makes her body to stop moving to meet that certain someone..


'Right after Riekka's memory loss.. right after she insisted me that she didn't even make any confession to Decimo-sama..'

Ceres tug on her hair.

'What had happened.. after she said that..? What had happened.. to my own memory..?'

Little did Ceres know, G, the 1st guardian of storm of Vongola was around Tsuna's house to do his patrol of the 10th boss of Vongola's condition.

"Seems normal to me here.." G turn his head from left to right, seeing there is a lot of changes in the future. "Japan had changed a lot, huh?"

"The culture here is really interesting and amazing, isn't it, G-sama..?"

The sweet, elegant voice echoes in his head when he thinks about Japan; the place that he followed Giotto after his retirement as Vongola boss. He smirk to his memory of a woman with a black hair and mesmerizing golden eyes. "Even though Primo's intuition is strong.. but it just impossible for her to be here at this era.."

G pauses at his tracks as he saw something from the corner of his left eye. He immediately turn his head to Tsuna's balcony and saw a familiar woman..

...Like the one in his old memory...

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now