The Repeated Love 57 - Ceres Aria's Haunted Past and Memory

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Ceres feels uneasy lately.

Sometimes there will be a jolt of current that pricks through her heart, where it can only be answered by one thing--premonition. A skill that is possessed by the people of Celestial clan, a power to feel a forewarning. Then, one thing that came into her mind, her family.

They will understand, they would. It is a common fact in her family : if one celestial being left their place and didn't return back ever since; no matter how important her role was, it means they have met with someone that they will devote their life to forever. However, for Ceres, she couldn't help but to return. Not because of her job as the right hand woman of the famous mafia family in italy, but because she is the clan's leader, and she wanted to go back to see the life of her people, especially her special bestfriend and also her loyal assistant, Tsukihikari Reira.

She had a nightmare of seeing her people get killed one by one, one after another. It resulted in her well being too; she couldn't focus in everything she do. In meetings, mission, or any everyday routine.


"So you are implying that I get involved with anything that has to do with her clan?"

"I just wanted to make sure, Veccio." He narrows his eyes. "...Since you are involved with the murder case with Valerie last time."

Holding back his anger, he release it by gripping onto his wine glass. "I can see that woman is very important to you-"

"I prefer you to address her in other manner than 'woman' Veccio."


"I treasure her more than just the title 'Right Hand Woman'. You know that too, right?"

"Looks like you have forgotten something important here.. if it isn't because of me who raised you until what you have become now-"

"That topic has nothing to do with this now, Veccio."

"...! You..!"

"You are just some distant relative of mine, Veccio. The matter of who raised me until what I have become and the matter of Ceres to me now is totally different. May I ask you.. why did you hate her so much?"

"You have totally changed since that peasant girl came here, Giotto! You used to follow my orders no matter what! You always kill the enemy's family without any mercy last time..! And since the day she stepped into this family, you've changed your ways..! You let the enemy go, and even stopped our military forces!"

"Veccio, that's-"

"A family that stand above all with the most ultimate wealth and strength! That is what Vongola family should be!!"

"You, yourself, have forgotten our real goal when we created this family, Veccio."


"We exist in order to protect the weak, and it didn't exist for strength and wealth. To me, the bond among friends and family without caring about their status is much more important."

"Tsk..! I don't care..! You will obey my rules no matter what as long as I'm here, Giotto! You will get rid of Ceres, and you will marry with the woman of my choice, Valerie!!"

"I wont."


"I love Ceres. And I wont marry Valerie. She does not fit with my goals."


"I don't mind if you wanted to cut ties with me, Veccio. I can always move away from here, and create a new family."


Veccio was silent for a moment. Then, his lips curve into a grin, followed by a low chuckle. This perks Giotto's intuition, this situation have ever happened before, especially when Veccio had planned something beyond his knowledge; which is very fearful. He look towards Veccio with a wide eye, as sweat starts to form on his head.

"Hmh. Are you sure you can cut the tie with me as you please? Even if you start a new family, I've chosen a new head of the Vongola family."


"And besides, do you think that I'll let go of your Ceres so easily when you choose her over me?"

"...What do you mean..?"

"Well, are you sure she will go back to her clan safely? And although she have the chance to arrive there safe and sound, do you think her people is still there?"


"Who was her special best friend again? Oh, Reira was it? I think the possibility for Reira and the others to survive is low when it is under my power.."

His laugh echoes all over the mansion as Giotto ran out from the room in hurry.

"Run, my boy, run. Let see if you could save her.."


'Who is this people..?'

"Who are you people?? What do you want from me? Please let me through to my village..! My people are waiting for me!"

"Oh there, calm down, Missy. Even though you can get pass through us, it doesn't mean that your people is still living there, oops~ hahahaha! I intentionally blurt it out~!"


'Then.. my premonition was.. true?'

"Now, be a good girl and be quiet, so you can die peacefully!!"

"Tch..!" Ceres change into her celestial mode, and destroy one of the guy's body into pieces. She didn't hesitate to kill them, knowing it was Veccio's people whom he put under his black magic; turning them into a demon or something that is not like a human being anymore. She puts her hand together, forming a  sign, chanting her priestess power "Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!" She blow the ofudas (amulet/talisman) onto their forehead and shouted "Evil Spirits, begone!!"

As all of them exploded, Ceres thought they would die just like that. She let her guard down, not knowing there's another back-up among the guys, who was charging towards her from behind.

"...! Oh no-"

At the same second, Giotto appears in front of her and take the blow instead--directly through his body.


A heavy liquid splash onto her face from Giotto's body. Her throat freeze as Giotto slump down slowly, gasping for air to breathe from the deep stab.


He cough some more blood, trying to catch his breath as he turn to his beloved person. "Is this your.. celestial form? You are really beautiful in everything.. just like a maiden, Aria.."

"No..! Giotto-sama! Please don't speak..!"

"Aria.." He gasped. "I have something to tell you.." He cup her wet cheek. "But first, I apologize.. because I couldn't protect you and your people.."

"W-what are you saying..?? This is my fault..!"

Ceres's eyes widen when he close his eyes.


"Hahahah! How ironic..! That is the same thing that your people said before they died..!! Now, since we are done with the leader, all that left is only you, maiden..!!"

"...." With a trembling hands and tears that wont stop flowing on her cheeks, she turn from her shoulder to them, widen her eyes to unleash her psychic power and destroy all of the men without leaving any trace.

This is the memory of Ceres that still haunted her like a nightmare even after 400 years. Every time Riekka blames herself for not protecting Tsuna, this negative feeling would affect Ceres too, where the image of Giotto whom nearly fall into the bridge of death because of her, will conquer her mind.

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