The Repeated Love 14 - Sponsorship for Cafe

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"Sponsorship for the cafe's menu? Hmm.. let me see.."

"...." You gulped as Yamamoto rub at the back of his helmet with his baseball bat.

"Hmm.. I guess it's not a bad idea." He grinned.

Your pursed lips form into a smile. "Yatta \^o^/!! Thank you, Takeshi-kun!"

"No problem! My practice will be over in 10 minutes. Can you wait for a while? After this we can go to the sushi shop together ^^!"


"Who is that girl??"

"How dare she get close to my Yamamoto-kun!!"

You sweat drop when the glares from the fan girls stab through your back.

You nearly trip when they suddenly shouted: "Ah!! Here he comes! GOKUDERA-KUUUN~~~!!!" You blink, turning around where the cheerings came from. "Ah. Hayato-kun-" You stopped when the glares strikes again. "=_=..."

"Both of them are really famous aren't they?"

"Yeah, although Takeshi-kun is oblivious and Hayato-kun is ignoring them."


You look from your shoulder to the silver haired so called 'Gokudera-kun' from the fan girls.

"Yes? I thought you are going back with Juudaime-sama?"

He glared. "No. It's your fault for asking Hibari's approval for the school festival, and now Juudaime has to say extra time to help out with the preparation!"

">.>... But that is what every students had to do."

"Shut it!"

">3< Buuu!"




"^^ My, he is really cold like G-sama."

"Who is G-sama-"


"Chotto* (Wait) Hayato-kun.. we are in a public place.. Ceres can't show up, remember?"

"I know! That is why I'm giving some respect to her!"

"*sigh* Never mind.."


"Yosh! We are here!"

"Wait..!" You tug on Yamamoto's shirt before he could slide open the shop's door.

"Hm? What is it?"

"What's the matter? Are you shy or something? We have met with baseball freak's father last week, right?"

"No.. it's not that.. I-I.. uhm.." You grip harder. "I-I'm not ready- ah no, I mean.."

To you, it is a first time talking to an adult who has a dearly fatherly figure because you yourself has never met one, and you don't even have one to receive the love from a 'father' that you can get used to. Maybe the arcobalenos is like a father and mother to you, but.. this is different. They are more like tutors, and-

"It's alright! Let me discuss with him! I'll go in first!"

"Ah.. wa-wait!!"

Too late. He went in.

"O.O.. Oh dear.."

"Hey Riekka..? What is this all of sudden?"

"No.. actually I.." You tug on your chest. "I don't have the experience talking to someone who is a 'father'.. uhm.. ahhh!! I don't know how to explain this..!"

Knowing your situation, Gokudera just keep silent and pat your head without arguing anything. "...? Ha-Hayato-kun?" He keep on caressing your head.

"Nothing... but whatever it is, you have to take this chance to make it as an experience, understand?"

"Riekka, come on." Ceres appears behind you and hold your shoulder. "I agree with Hayato-sama. Let's try it."

"Go." Gokudera push you lightly and you eventually enters inside.

"Thank you, Hayato-sama."

"No.. I understand her reason."

"You've known her during your time in Italy right?"

"Yes, she was a young girl that is famous in Vongola family in Italy. 'The girl that has special ability with no family but only tutors'.. I thought she was arrogant and spoiled at first, but she is not. She is loved by all the famiglia because she is purely kind and bright from her heart."

Ceres nods with a smile.

"Her eyes shown bravery, but her heart is actually lonely deep inside. She could smile, but the mirror show her tears. That is why I'm glad she have met with all of you, especially Decimo-sama."

"Hmh. I guess I have no choice but to accept her as a worthy right hand woman of Juudaime."

"^^ Hehe."


"Special sushi sponsorship? No problem! If it can help me with having a new customers in the future, that is a big OK! Wuahahaha!"

"I told you he will agree, right, Riekka ^^?? Riekka O.O?"

You are still hiding behind Yamamoto like a shy kid.

"Un.. t-thank you."

"Oh~ what a cute, shy girl friend you have there, Takeshi!"

"Ahahaha. Usually she is not shy, but I don't know why she suddenly-"

"I'm not shy!!" You covered your mouth after you realized you automatically voice out.

"Oh? She is not shy, Takeshi! You are embarassing her! Hahaha ^^. Or maybe, I'm too cool until you are shy around me ^^!"

"T-That's not.."

"Alright, I will give you the sponsorship with one condition!"

"W-what is it?"

"Give me a present that will soothe my tired shoulder!"

"P-Present? Okay! I-I'll sing for you, Tsuyoshi-ojii-sama..! I'm good at it!"

"Sing? Yosh! I'll look forward to it!"

"Oh! Me too Riekka!"

"Uhm.." You smiled. This is a great start afterall.


"And I thought our class will only do cafe..?" Gokudera narrowed his eyes to you.

"I-I'll ask for Kyouya's approval! Don't worry >:3!"

"=_= Oi..."

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