The Repeated Love 20 - I love You, Juudaime-sama

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"Where am I..? Where is this place?"


"..? Riekka-san?"


"Riekka-san? Where are you?"

Tsuna pauses from looking around the darkness as he spotted your figure was standing a few steps away from him. "Riekka-san? I-Is that you? How come you-"

"I'm sorry."

He blinks once. Twice. "Eh?"

"I'm sorry to have burdened you."

"Riekka-san? What are you talking about? A-And besides I was the one who should apologize to y-"

"I love you."


"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't say this because you already have someone that you like."

"W-Wait, Riekka-san..!"

"And also.. I'm not worth to deserve you at all."

Your smile and tears makes his heart shred into half. It hurts. It hurts to see it, so much. He don't know how to describe it, it is very complicated.

"Ri.. Riekka-san.."

"Goodbye, Juudaime-sama."

"Wait!! Riekka-san!!!"


Tsuna wakes up in shock, his body is full of sweat and his hands are shaking. 'A dream..?' He glance at his alarm clock, it's only 6 pm. It's been a tiring day after the extra training for the rescue plan for tonight. But, no matter what, he must save you and make sure that he give you an answer to your feelings completely. Tsuna shakes his head from all the confusing stuff; the dream had pressured his brain 100%.

Reborn walk into the room and jump onto his bed. "Tsuna. Are you done with your rest?"

He nods. "Yes."

The baby hitman smirked. "They are waiting outside. I have called for Hibari's assistance too."

"HIIII!! He came too??"

"Don't think lowly of your enemies. They might be stronger than your previous battle with the Varias."


"Let me lead the way, Decimo-sama."

'Riekka-san.. please hang in there.'


You are forced to wear a white dress with a handcuff around your wrists. The dress is like an experiment subjects' suit, which pissed you. You entered a lab with full of transparent glasses that has a control room inside it, full with unknown people dressed in lab coat. Your eyes focused on the object at the center of the room. It's like a half glass ball on a thigh level table, with a few rings within.

"As you can see in front of you; are the Mare rings, my celestial princess."

"...What is the meaning of this? What do you want me to do?"

"The answer is obvious. We want you to unleash your celestial skills into the power-absorbant glass so that it can be transferred directly inside the rings. This ring is not completed yet, so we need your special gift to make it into a ring that has an amazing, unlimited power for Byakuran-sama."

"You.. Rogelio.. I don't care whoever Byakuran you are talking about, but I'll make you regret for what you said about my clan..! My clan is not a tool for humans' greed! I will destroy this ring no matter what you wanted it to be!"

The so-called man fold his arms. "Prove it."

You clench your teeth as your hands trembled from the anger within you. You look down to the object inside the glass with full of despise, you release your power with tears streaming down and a scream that are fill with anger and sadness. Rogelio gasped as the glass starts to crack bit by bit. He quickly grab the shoulder of the man who's in charge of the control system, saying "Stop it! Make her stop!" hastily. Too late, the stone of Mare ring had shattered into pieces by you.

"Haa.. haa.." You slump down onto the floor, gasping for breath. You've unleashed your power more than your body could manage.

"Tch..! Bring her to the medical room. We can't lose her yet!"

Rogelio clutch his fists. "I'll force her to recreate back the ring using her blood..! Anything for Byakuran-sama!!"



Ceres stops at her track, her expression is uneasy.

Tsuna turn to her. "What's wrong, Ceres-san?"

"Decimo-sama.. I think something had happened to Riekka.."


"I can feel it, she had used her celestial form, and I can sense that her energy is-"

"Quick. We have to make a move."

Reborn jumps on Ryohei's shoulder. "You and Colonello will be in charge of the guards at the entrance."

"Ou. Got it!"

"Yamamoto and Gokudera will be on the inside part, and Hibari will be your back up."

Hibari glared. "I can do it alone."

"And after I give signal, we gather together to search for Riekka. Ceres, your duty is to track where Riekka is and lead us the way."

"Yes, Reborn-san."

"If there's any enemy around Riekka's place, I will take care of it. Then you, save her from any room that she is locked in."

Tsuna nods. "Un."

"Now, let's go..!"


As planned, Ryohei and Colonello beats up the guards at the entrance, Yamamoto, Gokudera and Hibari defeated the enemies inside the building, while Ceres starts her search by using her telepathy.

"Riekka..! Riekka..! Where are you?"

She wides her eyes open after locating your place.

"Decimo-sama! She's in a medical room. They are about to take some of her blood..!"

"What..? Blood?"

"Let's just prevent them from doing that. Tsuna! Go and follow with Ceres."



'....I can hear it.. someone is coming this way...'

"Ugh!!" The last man that stand in front of the curtain of your bed fainted, and Tsuna push away the curtains and run towards you. "Riekka-san..! Riekka-san!" You opened your eyes slowly, smiling weakly to him. "Juudaime-sama.." Tsuna carry up your delicate body in bridal style. "Let's escape from here." You smile and nod weakly.

Ceres turn to you and Tsuna as both of you have arrived to their gathering place.


"Oh, thank god she was unharmed physically, kora!"

"Haha. Welcome back Riekka ^^."

"Hn." Hibari look away and Reborn smirks.

Tsuna look down to you when you clutch on his chest tighter. "Riekka-san? Are you alright?" Ah, you couldn't describe how cool your boss were in his Hyper Dying Will Mode, saving you like how you wanted it to be. You bury your head on his chest, which makes him startled but didn't push you away at the same time.

"Thank you, Juudaime-sama.. I'm glad you came for me.. even though it was just me.."


How you wish time could stop at the moment, but your eyes abruptly widened in fear when you heard a 'click' sound. "....!! Juudaime-sama!!" You push him hardly until he fell on the floor, and at the same second, you took the bullet directly through your chest..

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now