The Repeated Love 83 - The Most Wanted Words to be Heard

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Gokudera scoffed and look at his watch.

"She's late..! Really!! Girls always take their sweet time to get ready, even if it's a single pair of yukata!"

"That's because they wanted to look the best for the boy that they love, right?"

Tsuna's heart raced to Bianchi's question. "Oh.. uh.. un.." He scratched his cheek. It's not like you are officially his girlfriend, but.. he is determined to make it come true today. He must do it. He must tell you no matter-

"I'm sorry I'm late..!" You stepped out from Nana's room, earning each and every guys' attention in the living room. Tsuna widened his eyes--he was strucked by your beauty 100%. His mother helped you to wear a yukata, (Thanks to Ceres who gave you a reason that she made a promise with the first guardians and her lover to be at the festival; as so to stuck you at Tsuna's house with the preparation).

You wear a white yukata with a shade of sweet pink at the end of the fabric, decorated with small, red sakura flowers around it. You tie your hair in a side ponytail style with a red ribbon, swirling at the end of the ribbon around your hair with it, since the hair accessory comes together with small lining of flowers. Make up.. you add nothing but only a cherry lip gloss, enough to make your lips moist and shine.

"Hahi! Riekka-chan is soo cute!! Right, Kyoko-chan??"

"I'm glad we chose that hair tie..! It really suits you!"

Everything is more than enough to capture Tsuna's eyes and heart altogether.

"Uhm.. Juudaime-sama.. do I look.. weird? I-I mean.. am I too flashy?"

"Huh?? U-Uh.."

"Answer it, Tsuna. It's rude to ignore a lady's question." Reborn smirked. "Go on."

"H-Hehh?? Uh.." He turned back to you with a blush on his face, turning away again to your pout- ..cute and innocent expression.

"Y-you are.. you-" He pursed his lips, balling his fists. "Y-You look.. b-b-beauti- n-no..! Uh.. p-pretty..!"


But there's no attack from Reborn at all, because a giggle escaped from your lips. "Thank you, Juudaime-sama."

"Oh.. un.."

"Hahah. You look very adorable, Riekka..!"

"Hmph..! Not bad." Gokudera look away to hide his blush.

Tsuna pursed his lips. How he wish he was straight forward like Yamamoto.

You giggled again before you turn the door knob. "Let's go, Juudaime-sama..!"

"Oh, y-yeah. Let's go..!"

"Wait, Tsu-kun."

Tsuna and you stopped. "What's the matter, Nana-san?"

"Tsu-kun, it's inappropriate to walk casually like that..! You should," Nana pulls both of your and Tsuna's hand, making it to hold to one another.

"W-wai..! M-mom!!"


"I heard that there's a lot of people, so Tsu-kun," She leans closer and whispered, "Please escort Riekka-chan, okay? Like a date..!"

"Wh-wh-wh- d-d-d-da..!!"

"Uhuh. Never, ever, let go of her, understand?? Okay, goodbye now..!"


"It's easy to get separated so stay close to him, okay, Riekka-chan?"

It's more like a demand than a question to you, though..

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