The Repeated Love 53 - Prologue to the Maidens' Past

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"..And I thought you are going to Riekka's apartment.. why are you at the Namimori Shrine instead?"

Tsuna grip on his phone tighter, focusing to search for the thing that his intuition told him at the same time.

"I-I don't know, somehow I feel like stopping here all of sudden and I can't figure the reason why."

"....We will be there soon. Just find the answer to your question first."

"Eh Rebor-"

The line was cut.

He sighs and switch off his cell, staring idly at it for a while before lifting his head again.

'What is it..? What is the reason for me to stop here? Riekka is not here, for sure. But why my heart keep on saying-'

His brown orbs stopped at one of the empty space; which without his knowledge, you are there, leaning against the huge tree nearby Tsuna. He pursed his lips, that is the place where you confessed to him last time. Both of you were standing next to the tall tree, and he can still reminisce your smiling face that holds a thousand of sad and wounded feelings within.


You opened your eyes slowly as he was about to approach the tree.. when suddenly Reborn and the others arrived at the shrine.


"So you've come into conclusion that you stop here for no particular reason and doesn't find anything at all?"

Tsuna gulp when the familiar glint in Reborn's eyes can be seen.

"N-No..! I didn't stop here for fun, i-it's true that I don't know why, but there's one thing.."

Tsuna turn and look back at the huge tree, and Reborn did the same.

"What's with it?"

"I don't know.. I have this feeling.. maybe that tree is the clue."


Your hand slump down from tugging the throbbing headache to the sound in your ears.


"What do you mean, Juudaime?"

"And I think.. Riekka might be here.."


"And why are you so sure, Tsuna?"

You quickly get up from your sitting spot and freeze at your movement when..

"Because.. this is the place where Riekka confessed to me last time."


'Con.. fessed..?'

"But hmph, if Riekka is sick, she wont move from her bed no matter what! I taught her to be obedient since she was small- eeep!" Skull hides behind Fong from Reborn's glare.

"I-It's the truth-"

Tsuna's eyes widen to the rustling sound from the tree area.

"Who's there-...!"

Holding onto the side of the trunk, you step out with a shocked expression.





"Riekka..? How did you-"

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now