The Repeated Love 33 - The First, Previous Plan in Defeating Byakuran

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"Are you sure you wanted to do this? Riekka, you, of all the people, whom I do not want for you to get involve in this matter the most..!"

"It's alright. I'm fine. If it is for the better, I'm willing to sacrifice my power."


"Besides, it is a discussion with Byakuran. It will be successful, right?"


It failed.

Seeing his dead body in front of you resulted in a major release of celestial power that wipes out almost half of Byakuran's troops.

"Here, join my side for the peaceful future, Riekka-chan."

You step backwards, away from the white haired Millefiore leader.

"I wont.."

"I know you are sad with his death, but it cant be helped. I have to destroy those who is in my way to my goal." He held out his hand. "Now, now. Don't feel guilty because of his death. You know about another reason that he came here for the discussion, right?"

"Another.. reason..?"

"Oh, you don't? Isn't it obvious..?"


"It is for protecting you, from being the tool for our power resource."

"No..! You are lying..!"

"Then, what are you waiting for? What are you hesitating for even though you knew that you are just a mere right hand woman of him?"

"No..! NOOOOO!!!!!"

And that is when.. you unleashed your power.


Palms on your crying face, your body shake from the tears.

"Takeshi-kun.. I'm sorry.."

"Riekka, it's not your fault.."

"I'm sorry.. I was there..! But I couldn't protect him..!" You pull on Yamamoto's shirt. "I couldn't protect Tsuyoshi-ojii-sama..! I-I-..!" You tug more on his chest as he pull you closer. "I'm very useless..! I couldn't prevent senseis' death! I'm very weak..! I can't even protect those who I love-"

"Riekka! Stop it!! Stop blaming on yourself..!" Gokudera shouted. "Stop taking all the blame..! I too.." He clench his fists. "..Couldn't even protect.. Juudaime."

Your lips trembled. '...Everyone.. you are really kind to me..'

"...." You push away from Yamamoto, wheeling your head side to side, to every corner of the base.


"Ceres.. I've decided. I will use all of my power to seal this base."

"...! What?"

"Riekka! Don't be reckless!!" Ryohei ran towards you.

You entwine your fingers together.

"This is the last thing that I can do, senpai. Please allow me to at least protect all of us."

"Riekka. You know you might have the probability of dying, right?" There's a sound of nervousness in Mukuro's voice. Despite his poker face, he is worried about you.

"I leave.. the plan of gaining information of Byakuran to you, Mukuro-kun."


You glance to Ryohei and Hibari. "And I leave.. mission in Italy and the message from Varia from both of you."

"Riekka! Stop this now-"

Too late. Before Gokudera could grab on your shoulders, you have released out Ceres's spirit to be the seal of protection in every corner of the secret base, fading out yourself after you've done it.



Your eyes jolt open to the medical room's ceiling.

"....That dream again."

"Ah..! Riekka-chan..!"

You blink and turn to the girls that enters into the room.

"Kyoko..? Haru..?"

"How are you feeling..? I'm very worried when I heard you fainted from exhaustion..!"

"Mou, Tsuna and the others left without telling us..!" Haru pout her cheeks like a blow fish.


"Hahi! Don't force yourself to get up! You should rest more!"

"Yes, if you stressed too much, it will affect the baby."

So they knew about the baby. 'Maybe Reborn-sensei told them about it.'

You smiled. "...Thank you."


Tsuna's eyes widened to the guy who just claimed that he was their ally, Shoichi Irie. "What..? Riekka knew about this plan too? T-then why did she risk her life and protect the base?"

"I will sacrifice my life no matter what that may happen in the future. If it's and aid to deceive the enemy and to change the future for a brighter journey of the family, then I would do anything." Shoichi repeated back your words to him.

"If it is you, she is always ready, Tsunayoshi-kun."

Tsuna clench his fists.


"But why now..? Why it is in future time that we fight with Byakuran??" Gokudera breaks the silence.

"It is from Ceres's premonition."


"Riekka had wiped almost half of Byakuran's troops, and also had scattered his power to make it unbalanced. So that is why he sent Rogelio to the past and get Riekka to release her power into the Mare rings. Although he had failed with the plan, he will never stop with his new plan to break into the seal to get her once again."

"Ceres's premonition was to defeat Byakuran in the future, because this is the perfect time to seal Byakuran's power and defeat him in this era. He can't do anything without the power of Arcobaleno's pacifiers, Mare Rings and Vongola Rings when one of them is not in his grasp.'" He added.


"Knowing that Byakuran had desired for both of them, Riekka had tried her best to weaken Byakuran's power in order to support you to win over him."

'Why.. Riekka..'

That is when, the 10th Vongola Boss realized how much you had loved him.

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