The Repeated Love 58 - Giotto's Choice

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"This is not entirely Ceres's fault, Veccio! She even used all her energy to prevent Giotto's death! There is no reason for her soul to be erased from this world!"

"This is an ultimate decision from Giotto himself." The elder shrugged. "To erase the soul for eternity, or to exile her to another country.."

Simon step back. "What..? No matter what it is.. this is very ridiculous!" A grin formed on his lips. "I bet.. he will choose other options than that. I'm sure of it.."

"Oh..? Are you sure? You are pretty determined there."

The red haired man clench his fists. "He would. I trust him. All of us knew that he is in love with Cere-"


Simon narrowed his eyes when Veccio slams his fist on the table. The wine glass slipped and crash on the floor. "You are afraid that he might take your position, right? And you do not want him to marry Ceres because Valerie has the most networks with all the powerful forces and families in this country, am I wrong? You hated Ceres because she is nothing but a mere peasant in your eyes that has no benefit for you at all."

"Shut your mouth!"

"Even though she is powerful and have the chance to rule the world by using her, you despised her more because her ways than your plan in conquering the world of mafia is a total opposite from her, right? You wont get the chance to lay your hand on her no matter what method you try-"

"I will make sure..!"


"I will make sure that Giotto will choose to erase her from this world!"



Elena rushed into the dimmed room, averting her head to every corner. She breathe a sigh of relief when she spotted a familiar figure next to the window. She was about to approach Ceres and freeze at her tracks when Ceres just stand there like a mannequin; staring at the flower vase in front of her idly.

"Ce.. res..?"

She look dead to her. She is like a living dead.


She gasped to Ceres pale lips and swollen eyes.

"Ah, Elena.. I didn't realize your presence in the room. I'm sorry."

"A-ah.. no.." She didn't know how to start. The worried feeling in her chest lifted, and replaced by sadness to her friend's state. She shakes her head, cupping one apple in her palm from the basket of fruits.

"I bought you an apple..! Now, shall I cut into bunnies shapes for you?"


Elena pursed her lips, forming a force smile on her face to Ceres's respond.

"Now, where is the knife.."

"There is none in the room."

"Oh, then I'll get it from the kitchen."

"..There is none because they are afraid if I might commit suicide."

Elena's fingers twitched to cupboard that she just opened.

The blond haired woman force a smile on her face as she turned back towards her dear friend. "W-what are you saying now.."

"..Although I deserved to die from my sin.. and yet they still cherish this peasant woman."


"I've failed.. and yet.. why..?"

Ceres's palms shiver--Elena gasped to both of her wrists; a rough scar from a knife.

"Ceres.. you-"

"I deserve to die.. Elena.. why they wont let me?"

"Ceres..! Stop it! You didn't commit any sin at all! It's not your fault!"

"Elena!!" The woman startled when Ceres tug on both sides of her arms.

"Elena..!" She begin to sob. "I've failed.. I've failed to protect him..! Why..? Why they wont let me die!!!"

Hugging her best friend close, tears stream down on her cheeks.


"What will you do..? Primo?"

"You know what I will choose, G." G smirk to Giotto's confident smile, his answer was obvious--to choose his own method to solve this case.

"I wont erase her soul no matter what. She saved my life, despite knowing it will be a risk to her own life. Although it is not proper in mafia world for a right hand person to be protected by their boss, I am determined to change the mafia ways to our own Vongola way."

Daemon form a smile, he feels the fact that he joined Vongola is not a bad plan after all. At first, it was for Elena. But then again, he is proud with his boss in this matter in order to protect the second important person in his life, Ceres. He cared for her like his own little sister; whom also loves him as her own brother in return. It's the same with Alaude. Though he didn't show it, his face shows that he is glad for Ceres, his one and only partner in forming his group; CEDEF. Ceres understands his ways more than anyone, so it is a pity to let her go just like that, he thought.

The other guardians too; cherish her so much like their own family. Lampo seeks her attention every time he got scared in doing his mission--she acts like his own mother that would always lend her lap for him sleep on, with a lullaby that she sang together to calm him down. Ceres motivated Knuckle to have more faith in himself so that he can fight for his family no matter what the circumstances be. And for Asari, Ceres is always there to sing along with his flute melodies, accompanying him with his song, suggesting new tune for him to play. The last guardian that accept Ceres as Giotto's right hand woman, G, had took him long enough to work together with her.

G often made hasty decisions, while Ceres is a total opposite from him. G find her pathetic when her clumsy attitude takes over, but then he finds it adorable when he noticed that Ceres always keep on trying her best in everything for Giotto, everyone, and the family.

From here we know, that all of them needs Ceres.

But could Giotto get the chance to spare Ceres's soul?

The first was very determined in his decision, knowing that Veccio will not approve his choice. Still, he would never ever change it, no matter what that may happen..

..and that's what his heart had set on.

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