The Repeated Love 71 - The Only Thing I Could Do For You Now

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You folded the wet cloth and place it on Lal's forehead.

"I'm alright, Riekka. You should get a rest too."

You giggled. "I guess I learned that stubborness from you, Sensei."

She sighed into a smile and pull out her weak hand to caress your cheeks.

"I'm really glad you are alright. Especially this child."

She averted her hand to your stomach and rub it. "It's as if my heart was shattered apart when I heard you were separated from them during the attack, and I'm very thankful for the Varia to save you."

"Well, she is precious to them too. Especially the boss." Reborn pressed the 'especially' word until it could attract Tsuna's attention, who was sitting not too far from your place.

Tsuna pursed his lips to Reborn's words and immediately stands up.


"Ah, I'm going to have a walk for a while."

You turned your head to the smirking Reborn directly after Tsuna is out of sight. "What happened?" You whispered next to the baby hitman and gets a wider smirk, more like a sneaky cheshire cat smile from him as an answer. "You know something don't you?"

"Hmm.. you can say that he was depressed about you."

"Eh?" You point at yourself. "Me?"


"B-but why?"

"Well, you see.."


Tsuna sighed before he slump down to lean onto the nearby tree. He narrowed his eyes while rubbing his arm from the cold night, and let out another sigh again. And again.

'...That's the 11th time..' He couldn't believe he counted it though, despite realizing the fact that he was really troubled with your position in the future, more like a destiny and fate. The fate that you are still someone's wife, the destiny to have a husband whom he didn't know who it was.

'Why..? I thought we had mutual feelings to each other..'

He clamped his lips. 'I know I shouldn't be thinking about this right now, but..' He tugged on his hair from the stress in his head. 'But.. seeing her wearing that ring with full of love, and.. to have a child, at that.. somehow, it's-..' Tsuna clenched on his chest. 'It's painful..'

"Is this what they called a broken heart..?" He whispered to himself. 'And is this what Riekka had been through when I rejected her confession throughout the time?'

Well, he deserved it, he thought.

'Maybe I didn't deserve to have her love after all..' Tsuna curl up into a ball to hold back his tears when you suddenly tilt your head beside the tree he was leaning at.


He startled and jump few feet away as usual.


You smiled. "What is the matter? Do you feel sick anywhere?"

He pursed his lips, parting it to say something but hesitated. "N-no. I'm fine." He mumbled.

"I see.."

You giggled to yourself when you see his flustered face. "How adorable."

"Uh? Did you say something?"

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now