The Repeated Love 63 - How Bold of That No-Good Boy

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'Wha-what should I do? Should I just let it..'

You open your eyes and shut it back again as Tsuna's lips getting closer and closer.

'T-this is the moment I've been waiting for..! But I didn't expect for it to happen so fast-'




'Hyaa O///O I can feel his warm breath on my face!! Waaahh I'm not ready yet!! Somebody, anybody..! Save me-'


With eyes jolt open, you smack Tsuna's face as hard as you could.

"S-stop it!!"


You took this chance to run out from the room as Tsuna stumble backwards.

"Wait..! Riekka!"

'Ahh!! I'm so stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!'

"Hey! Stop slapping yourself, it's getting red!" Gokudera hold both of your hands, pulling it backwards. "You've been acting strange, what's wrong?" Reborn pat your red cheeks while munching his rice, leaning over when you shook your head. "No, nothing." You mumbled.

"Hmm.." He look from you to the blushing Tsuna, and back to you again.

"Did anything happen, Tsuna?"

"E-eh? N-n-n-no! Nothing happen at all!"

"Really? Then why did you answer as if there's something happened behind my back?"

Tsuna gulped when there's the typical creepy glint in Reborn's eyes.

"Yes! I-I swear!"

"Oh, I see.."

-Another dead silence-


Tsuna took a peek and quickly look away when your eyes met with his.

'Great.. what have I done..'

'Uh.. this is really obvious to be a very awkward moment..'

A smirk curved on the hitman's lips when both of Tsuna and you sighed in unison.


"What..? She said 'her' name?" G look at the mist guardian in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm sure of it."

"M-maybe you are mistaken.."

"I did not, Lampo. I'm very sure of it. The way she react towards my question prove it all."

"But, Daemon.. we all know that Primo never failed in fulfilling his mission.."

"There is no single soul that can appear again when they were erased from this world." Knuckle added.

"Tch..!" Daemon clench his fists. "Stop pretending."

Alaude lift his eyes. "...."

"..I know.. that all of you have the same wish as I am. The same despair and yearn for her, how we had longed for her to come back again with us."

He pushed away Asari's hand from his shoulder. "So stop pretending.. that you have moved on and accepted the fact that she was no longer in your memories."

Giotto narrowed his eyes as he heard his guardians' conversations.

It's true.

Daemon's words is true.

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now