The Repeated Love 19 - Kidnapped by Mare Ring Holder

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"Isn't this.. the ring that I gave to Riekka-san?"

'Maybe it slipped off from her finger when she ran away..' Guilt overwhelmed Tsuna's heart. "Am I doing the right thing? I don't know her feelings to me that way since she came here. B-Because it's only been a month and she already-"

"Oi Tsuna. What are you doing here mumbling like an idiot?"

"Re-Reborn! Riekka-san is.."



"It's my fault.. I should have ask her to come with me."

"It's not your fault, Haru-chan. Maybe she already went back home."

"Yes, she did. She still feel unwell she said. Don't worry. She already pass me the message that she is sorry for the sudden absence." Reborn give his usual smile and calm posture.

"Ah~ what a relief. I'm really worried about her."

"Me too.. well at least we know where she is, right, Tsuna-kun?"

"Eh? Uh.. uhm."

"....." Reborn glances to Tsuna, signalling to Colonello through his eyes. The sky blue eyed arcobaleno nod, and casually jump on Ryohei's shoulder. "I think it is time for the fireworks, kora. Let's go!""Yes, Master Colonello! Come on Kyoko!""Hehe. Okay. Come on, Haru-chan. Next year we will watch it with Riekka-chan, ne?""Um!"

After making sure the girls are far away from them, Reborn turn to Tsuna. "What happened?"

He gulped before looking down at the hitman. "Ri-Riekka confessed to me."

"What??" Gokudera beamed. "She what??"

"Oh cool! She likes you?"

"Don't let your clueless brain kick at this time, baseball freak!!"

"And? What did you answer?"

"Uh.. t-that's.."

"I bet she got rejected, huh?"

"Ah..! No, Reborn-"

"Then, if you had answered something nice, she would be here, right?"

It stabs through his guilt. Yes, Reborn was right.

"Then she ran away from you and you couldn't find her?"

"I-.. uhn." He look away from Reborn's piercing eyes. He knows that Reborn is not pleased somehow, because Riekka is kind of important to Reborn and other arcobalenos. "Then, the only thing that you've found is the ring that you gave her, right?"


"Then it's decided. She got kidnapped."



"Ah. Remember the day that Kyoko and Riekka got attacked by an unknown guy? Kyoko and her received a same letter, stating that they have to meet someone at the back of school field."

"Eh? Then does it mean-" The three guys said in unison.

"You guys should ask her without accusing anything first. She has more severe wound, but knowing that it's not necessary, she just keep quiet. Don't forget that there is a lot of people that desires for her power."

"Then.. she doesn't know about the enemy at all? Why she didn't tell us?"

"That is what a right hand woman was. No matter how painful the situation is, she must complete her duty and assist the family even if she might die. And also, the case of Kyoko protecting her was just an accident. Everybody would do it when your friend is in danger, isn't it obvious?"

Tsuna clutch on the ring. "...."

"They are aiming for Kyoko so Riekka got distracted. If you are separated, this is their opportunity to get her. Not only that, Kyoko didn't remember anything at all, so we can see the whole plan of the enemy. By the way, I will try to find some info tonight. All of you, tell this news to Ryohei. Get ready if anything happen soon."

"Yes, Reborn-san."

"Apologize properly to her later, dame-Tsuna."

"I wanted to.. but she keeps on-"

"Dodging your apology?"

"Yes..! I don't know why."

"..Try to understand what a right hand woman really is, Tsuna. The person who hold the duty too. She may keep it a secret from you because she think she have failed protecting someone that is important to you, and the fact that you are upset when you see Kyoko was injured. You rush to the hospital without hearing the real story, am I wrong?"

Tsuna clench his teeth, followed by Gokudera.

'I too.. although I have known her during the time in Italy, I have forgotten the typical habit of her when she hides her wound from an attack. She does her job seriously, and I, as the right hand man of Juudaime didn't do anything but think wrongly of her.'

Gokudera lift his head. "Juudaime! Let's go and rescue Riekka!"

"Yup^^. If she comes back, I wanna hear her singing voice again! Let's go, Tsuna!"

"Uhm!...But.. we do not know where is the place."

"Decimo-sama!!! Reborn-san!!!"

"O.O Hiiii!! Ce-Ceres-san??? Where did you came from??"

"Ceres..? Where is Riekka?"

"Let me lead the way..! I managed to get the chance to be separated from Riekka when she was kidnapped by the previous enemy."

"As expected.. it is the previous guy. Be prepared, all of you. We will make a move tomorrow."






"Ah, how was your peaceful sleep, celestial princess?"

"...!" You try to move, but you feel a hard friction around your wrists. You are locked with a heavy metal ring like a prisoner. "Release me!" You snap. "Oh, I would love to, but on one condition.""What is your purpose for bringing me here?" He smirks as he kneeling down to you, lifting up your chin to face him.

"Give us your celestial power for our future Mare ring."

"Mare ring? What are you talking about?"

"You will know soon.."

"Ugh! Let me go!"

"What's the rush for? You know that your beloved boss wont come." He narrowed his eyes. "...Because he rejected you, remember?"

"...." You wheel your head from his grip but he turn it back again to face him.

"You've failed to protect his cutie girlfriend, am I right?"

"Stop it."

"Are you really a qualified right hand woman?"

"Stop it!!"

"No matter what you try to do, no matter how you love your job, you have betrayed your boss's trust towards you."


"I bet he feel guilty when he sees your wound. You know that is only a small matter, right?"

"Please.. stop-"

"And if he saves you, it is because of all the guilt in his heart. And not because he loves yo-"

"STOP IT!!!!"


Rogelio fall backwards when your psychic power takes over. Wiping the blood that drips out from his lips, he chuckle as he stands up. "Really.. it's such a bless having you here. Byakuran-sama will be pleased with your power for Mare ring."

You fell on the floor from exhaustion. The instant outburst cost your energy a lot, especially when you still have the wound at your waist. You couldn't hear the stuff about the ring or whoever Byakuran is as your vision went white.

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