The Repeated Love 64 - Reunion of the Lovers from the Past

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The air in the room is a little bit chilly from the soft breeze outside that blew in through the small gap of the sliding door. It was quiet, very quiet. Where are all the lively friends of his? Ah yes, they were playing Playstation upstairs, all of them. How about Primo's guardians then? Maybe some of them are in the kitchen helping with the girls, and some could be on the rooftop to have their own privacy to sleep.

Tsuna flinched to your hair strand that brushed against his skin. It smells like a candy, making him to hold back the urge to lean closer to sniff on your hair some more. He just couldn't stand still in that dark room, not because he was afraid of the dark, but because he was with you. His heart starts to pound quickly as you bit your lower lip, moistening it from the wind that dries the surface. He gulped, what would he feel if his lips get to touch yours when there is no one interrupting the embarrassing moment just now?


'Hiiiii what am I thinking right now???'

"Ne, Juudaime-sama?"

"HIII I mean- Y-yes O////O??"

"So.. did you know about Giotto-sama and Ceres's past story?"

He nod. "Y-Yeah, I asked him to tell me the story during the time when I was in the hospital. O-on the night that you were.. uh.."

You smiled, getting his message. Feeling slightly happy that he was there beside you when you were sleeping while listening to the story of 400 years ago.

"How about you, Riekka?"

"Oh, yes, Ceres told me about it when I was unconscious. You know, telepathy skills?"

"I see."

"After that, I feel glad that she was here now. Giotto-sama too. It may have been awkward for them if she reveals herself, but at least.. they could meet again and have a proper ending of their love together. It's like a long, romance story, right?" You giggled, not knowing Tsuna was smiling to your cute voice.

"Yes, I agree to that too. I don't know if this is my intuition or just a mere lucky guess, but.. I can see that Primo-san looks very sad when he told me about his past life with Ceres. I'm glad that she choose to meet him, although we don't know the outcome yet."

"Uhn." You nod, looking away. "Because.. both of us decided together.. that we will not run away from our problem anymore."


You turn towards him slowly. "I just wanted to say.. thank you, Juudaime-sama."


"For being so kind to me, for saving my life, and to always befriend me after I.." You paused for a while and continue, "..confessed to you, despite not considering what you really feel about me."


"But.. Riekka, during that time was different..! I didn't realize my feelings was just a 'like' but not 'love' to the person that I have a crush at that time s-so-"

He was taken aback. Should he explain it now? It may hurt you like what he did before. No. He should tell his real feelings now since he have found the person that he-


He stumbled as he realized that your face was very close to his. "A-a-and-" Heat rises up to his cheeks, Tsuna tries to balance and hide himself from showing you his tomato face.


'Hi-HIIII!!!' He shrieked silently, imagining hot gas oozing out from his ears like a boiled water in a kettle when you tilt your head to the side with an innocent smile.

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now