The Repeated Love 56 - Mutual Feelings

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He knew.

He knew that Veccio dislike Ceres.

And that rope at her legs too.. he knew who did it.

Is this a good choice that he made? Ceres is precious to him. He didn't want to see her hurt because of him. But the answer from Ceres will be obviously a 'No' to his future wish for her to stop serving him as his right hand woman. But there is something where his intuition told him, that it is better if she become other than a right hand woman. Maybe.. a.. wife? 

Giotto shakes his head from the silly thoughts.. or.. was it..?

He can feel heat rising to the back of his neck as Ceres walk down the stairs in lilac dress that flows down onto the floor, it fits perfectly around her petite body. The way her finger tug her hair, attracts everyone in the ballroom, away from the real queen of the night.

Valerie grip on her wine glass, almost crushing the hard surface when the whispers can be heard beside her ears.

"Isn't that the right hand woman of the Vongola?"

"And I thought she is his wife, they look perfect together."

"She is such a beauty. As expected from the most beautiful woman in town."

It angered her more when she sees how busy Giotto's eyes and attention were fixed on Ceres.

"It is my first time attending a party and yet people keep staring at me.." The maiden sip the sparkling juice, hiding her blushing face at the same time. "Elena..?" She whispered to the beautiful lady beside her. "Is there something on my face..? People just.."

"My, Ceres. They stare at you because you are beautiful, and gorgeous at that~!"

Ceres pout to her best friend. "I-I'm not-"

"Isn't she, Giotto-san?"

Elena pats Ceres on her shoulder lightly, turning her towards Giotto. Their eyes met, and Giotto quickly look away from her.



"Ah, I will excuse myself for a while."

Pursing her lips, she hold onto Elena's finger with a trembling hand.


"I-I'm going out for some fresh air."


Elena stopped herself as she sees a drop of tears from Ceres's orbs. She clench on her chest, worried about her angel friend. It is rare to see Ceres like this, 'Something must have happened between her and Giotto-san', she thought.


'The way he act towards me is different.. since the day that I drown.. did anything happen on that day itself..?'


'Maybe.. just maybe.. I didn't do any mission that he asked me to? B-but I couldn't recall what is my other mission than gaining information from Aricita Family..'

Ceres smack her forehead and at both sides of her head many times. This is a bad habit of hers, and sometimes it worries all the guardians; afraid that she might bleed herself to death in the future if she keep this habit of hers forever.

"Ahhh what should I do..? I've made him angry! Ahnn what should I do QAQ??"

Giotto saw her from afar, sweat drop when she smack her head again and again. He quickly further his steps towards her as she suddenly kneel down.

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now