The Repeated Love 85 - Tie the Knot Together Forever

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Clenching on the black box, he puts his best smile as he call out,


Ceres turned to her lover, beaming a smile at him. "Yes?"

"Can I.. have a moment?"

"Ah, that's.." She blinked away from him, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Giotto-sama. I have some things to do right now." She clasped her palms together with an apologetic smile. "Riekka asked me to help with her training, so.."

"I see.. alright. Then, how about toni-"

"S-so, if you will excuse me..!"

"Wait..! Aria-"

Too late. Before he could pull out the small box, she teleports away from the place.


G crossed his arms followed by a frown. "So.. you've failed for the 4th time?"

"5th.. to be exact." Giotto sighed to himself as he look upon the diamond ring inside the box.

"It is none of my concern but.. is there something that happened between the two of you?" Daemon smirked as he appeared out of nowhere.

"As much as I could remember, there is none.. except for-"

"Don't say it. I know." G rolled his eyes. 'Lovey dovey stuff is really out of my field..'

"Well, it should be easy to just voice out that you wanted to propose to her. You have reunited back with Ceres, and both of you has the same mutual feelings, then what else that could be a problem?" Asari added.

Knuckle shrugged. "All I can say is.. hang in there, Primo. She must have been really busy. I saw her and Riekka at the mountains these days to train on something. They even delayed their trip."

"By the way, you have a lot of time. What's the rush?"

"Lampo does have the point there. As long as Decimo and his right hand woman are together, you wont be separated from Ceres." G scoffed.

"Yes. We are here as long as there is a generation of Vongola and the guardians." Asari chuckled while pulling out his flute.

"Don't start it, Ugetsu."

"But this is the right moment to play my new tune, G."

"Just do it later." The first storm guardian groaned.

'Yes.. as long as there is a generation of our family.' Giotto reassure himself; his smile fades away slowly when he recalls it,

'But it's been a week since Aria gave me the same reason.. or even..' He pursed his lips. 'She's been avoiding me. Why is that..?'


The first generations turned their head to Tsuna.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Did I disturb you guys or.."

"It's alright, Decimo. What's the matter?"

"I see. Uhm.. I need help with something." Giotto tilt his head as the brunette pulled out a map.


"Places that Aria haven't been before?"

Tsuna nodded. "Ah, I couldn't manage to ask Riekka about it. Y-you see, Ceres-san been helping us a lot, and we wanted to bring her along. As much as I could remember from Riekka's story, Ceres-san has been here only once, right?"

"That's right. We were on mission during that time. And to make it a coincidence.." Giotto rubs on the tatami. "This place is actually the first attraction that caught her eyes."

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now