💗Nyo!Ukraine x Reader

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I walked through the beautiful streets of Ukraine. I can't believe I'm finally
here. I've always wanted to come here and see it's beautiful large tracts of land.

I decided to go through one of the shops. I didn't really intend to buy anything. I just wanna look around a bit since I was cooped up in my apartment yesterday.

As I opened the door, it's bell rang. "H-hello! Welcome! How can I help you miss?". I was greeted by a tall Ukrainian man. He wore a long scarf and the store's trademark uniform.

I smiled back to him. " No, I'm just here to look around-" I looked at his name tag; Dimitri.

"-Dimitri, thanks." I thanked him. He looked really surprised when I said the last part.
"H-how did you know my name?"he asked.

"Uhh...your name tag?" I pointed at the paper at his chest. He started crying. W-wait?! He's crying??
"I'm so sorry! I keep forgetting that I have it on me!" His tears kept falling
Dang it! I feel so guilty!

I went close to Dimitri and comforted him, patting his back.
"I *sniff* am very sorry! I must look pathetic.."he glumly said.

"No! It's my fault. I...." I just realised that I didn't really do anything wrong in the first place.

Dimitri only cried harder. I kept patting him on the back, whispering comforting words to him. I feel so awkward comforting a person I just met a few moments ago.

I decided to let Dimitri sit on the chair behind the counter.
Dimitri calmed down a bit and wiped away his tears.

"Dimitri, will anyone replace you on your shift?" I asked him. Dimitri nodded. "Alright, why don't you come with me for a while and talk things through? Is that okay?"

"Yes, I guess that would be fine." He said. I took him out the little shop and dragged him in the cafe across the street. It's so convenient that it's just right across th the road.

We sat on the table right outside since Dimitri insisted. "Okay Dimitri, let's talk. And once again I'm very sorry for making you cry."

Dimitri sniffled once more. "No, It's my fault. I have always been a such a crybaby."

I smiled understandingly at him."It's okay, I cry a lot too. But my mom scolded me for being too much of a crybaby." Okay. I shouldn't have told him that. How could I get so personal to him in just a few minutes?!

His face suddenly lit up."Really?"
I couldn't help myself he looks like an inoccent child. I just had to do one thing.

I pinched his cheek.

Dimitri flinched at my sudden 'attack'.
"I'm sorry! I just couldn't help myself!" I quickly returned my hand.

Dimitri just looked at me with his cute puppy eyes. He just held his cheek where I pinched him.

Oops,I must've pinched him too hard. "Did I hurt you?"
Dimitri shook his head. Thank God!

As I was about to get up and order us some drinks Dimitri stopped me.
"I never got to know your name." He shyly said.
"It's (y/n), (f/n) (l/n)."

He nodded in thanks.
I stood up and went inside the petite cafe. It was so cute. It had vintage wallpapers, and lots of flowers. I went to the counter and looked at the cursive font menu.

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