Prussia x Reader

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A/N: I dropped his accent on this one since I'm in the mood for being grammatically correct today.


Gilbert dragged you hand in hand to his neighbor's house.

"Gilbert, why are we going to your neighbor's house?'" you ask.

"You'll see." He smirked.

You scoff at him. It's unlike him to be such a mysterious ass. Usually, whenever he tries to keep secrets he'll end up blabbering about it loudly in public. When two reach the house Gilbert knocked on the door. A few seconds later, frantic footsteps were heard scrambling to the door. The door opened; revealing a boy about nine years of age and a girl three years younger.

"Gil!"They both yell. They run up to Gilbert and gave him a big hug. "Thanks for babysitting us again!"

"Aaawww that's sweet!" He replied, exchanging the hug to the two children "By the way, this is my friend (y/n)."

You wave sheepishly at the two children. "Hi."

They smile brightly at you and introduce themselves. "I'm Timmy!" The boy beamed. "And I'm Katy." The girl shyly said.

"Nice to meet you. "You reply. You look at Gilbert. "I didn't know you like babysitting."

"Ever since Ludwig grew up I miss the feeling of taking care of him. So now I take care of other people's kids as a hobby." He said.

"So you really like babies that much do you?"

Gilbert gave you a wide grin. "Of course, would you like to have mine?"

You slap him.

Gilbert caressed his cheek. "Was that a yes?" He looked at the two kids.

"Shall we go inside?" Gilbert asked.

"Yes please!" Both the children said.

You and Gilbert both entered the spacious house. You see the children sitting on the living room floor, attentively waiting for Gilbert.

You and Gilbert sit next to them. "Gil, can we play Dolls again?" Katy asked. "What? No!" Timmy objected. "I want to play wrestling again Gil!" He pleaded with the cutest puppy eyes possible. Gilbert laughed. "Hahaha, I have a different game in mind today." He said.

"Huh?" The both mused.

Gilbert paused for dramatic effect. "-we're going to play hide and seek!"

"Yippee!"The two children clapped. You smirk wickedly. As far as you know, you're the most badass hide and seek master in the whole neighborhood. When you were young it'd take your playmates hours just by looking for you including Gilbert, and by the end of the day your parents will end up conducting search parties for you. Yup, you're that awesome at it.

"Alright Timothy, you're it!" Gilbert said. "Go to the corner and count to ten!"

Timothy quickly ran to the far side of the room and began counting. Katy ran off to her own hiding place.


You snapped out of your thoughts. "What did you say?"

"Time to hide!" Gilbert yelled.

"Oh, yeah!" You quickly stand up and scan the area for a good hiding spot. You quickly run into the kitchen and see a door leading down to the basement. You twisted the doorknob and went down. You hid behind an old bookshelf and wait. It was a big bonus that the basement's dark interior shrouded you. Timmy would think twice just to go down here. You laugh mischievously to yourself. It only took a few moments when you hear someone opening the basement door.

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