Spain x Reader

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Antonio wore his best long sleeved shirt and tight fitting pants.

"Lovino." Antonio asked as he reluctantly buttoned his shirt. "Do you think this will work?" He asked hopefully. Lovino crossed his arms on his chest. "Estupido you don't trust me?"

"No it's not that I don't trust you- it's just..."

Lovino cut him off. "Just remember what I taught you dammit."


You came all the way from the market. You're mom told you to buy a shitload of grocery which is why you're carrying a large paper bag. It was hard to see where you're going.

Suddenly, you bumped onto someone. "Ah! I'm sorry I didn't see..."

"It's okay chica." That familiar voice...

"Antonio?" You peeked over your stuffed paper bag. "What the hell!"

Antonio grinned. A rose in between his teeth; his ass... full of sass!

His tight fitting pants emphasized his ass- no!

You snap out of your thoughts. Antonio smirked; the top of his shirt was partially unbuttoned; revealing his chest in which a crucifix necklace hung in between.

You stared at him blankly.

"Holá chicá." Antonio greeted. "Are your legs like an Oreo cookie? Because I want to split them and eat all the good stuff in the middle~" He purred.

You flinch and squeeze your legs together. "You're making me uncomfortable." You remarked.

Antonio didn't seem fazed. "Don't worry chica. I can always make up for you by fingering you the same way I finger my guitar- wait! Where are you going?"

You turn around. "I'm going the other way; where there are no assholes walking around- so Adios senior and besame el cunto!"

Antonio grabbed you by the shoulder. "Wait, (Y/n)! Lo siento! I've been an ass to you!"

You glance behind you. "Where the heck did you even learn that gig anyways?"


"Why am I not surprised?" You sigh. Antonio eyed the grocery you're carrying. "Do you want me to help?" He asked sincerely.


By letting Antonio 'help' you just give him the whole load because why not? Throughout your journey way home, the two of you remained quiet. Antonio broke the ice. "I'm sorry..." Antonio apologized.

"Don't worry Toni, why'd you do it in the first place tho?"

Antonio covered his face in embarrassment. "I thought that maybe I could impress you by that since I thought I was being boring."

You laugh at Antonio. "Dude you being serious?! I don't care whether you're boring or not."

His eyes widened in surprise and he jumped back to his normal cheerful self. "You're right!"

You opened the door to your house and ushered Antonio inside with the groceries.

"Where's your mom?" Antonio asked.

"She just went out."

You sit on the couch and pat the empty spot next to you. Antonio obliges. You turn on the TV and watched your favourite show. It was an awkward silence save the noise from the TV. Antonio fiddled nervously with his brown hair. He's thinking about Lovino. What would he say about him? Probably 'you estupido! You wasted all the things I taught you?! You're wasting yout time!'

He felt butterflies in his stomach as his anxiety worsened. He can't just let all those practice go to waste. He balled his hands into fists. He needed to take the initiative.

As you watched Sherlock on TV, Antonio pushed you down on the couch, straddling your hips.

"Antonio what the fuck?!" You shout. He grinned as he pinned your arms above your head.

"That reminds me..." he whispered. "You didn't react positively to my efforts." He grimly said.

You struggle. "Of course I didn't react positively! Because you were acting like a total fuck boy!"

Antonio's grip tightened. He leaned close to your ear. "I guess you need to be punished." He smiled.

"For being such a naughty chica."

"Dammit!" You scream. Antonio whispered huskily once more. "Remember (Y/n), you can't say Spain without saying pain."

All I could say is... Lovino's teaching never went to waste.

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