England x Reader

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This will be random. I guarantee it.


"Arthur" you prodded.

No response.


Still nothing.


Arthur closed the book he was reading and sighed. "Yes love?"

"Do I look fat in this dress?" you ask while turning around for him to get a good view of your figure.



"You're not listening- again." You complain.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

You pout, cross your arms and turn around. "As expected from a self-proclaimed gentleman!"

Arthur's eyes widened in surprise. "What?! Me?! Self-proclaimed?!" he exasperated.

"Yes. You."

You point harshly at his chest. "You can be so uh....um....un-gentlemanly!" you shout.

Arthur scoffed. "Hah, fine. If that's what you think! I'm fine with it! In fact I'm BLOODY AS FUCK HAPPY ABOUT IT."

He stormed off, fuming.

'Wow, I can't believe he actually took it seriously. ' you thought. 'He'll get over it tomorrow.'

The next day...

You just finished work. You felt really awful for calling Arthur a self-proclaimed gentleman. So you made him an 'I'm sorry card' that says: 'Sorry- not sorry. Usually I'd be calling you 'gentleman' but that would be lying. Liars go to hell. XOXO, (y/n).

You opened the door to you and Arthur's house. "Arthur I'm ho- WHAT THE BLOODY SON OF A FUDGECAKE KIRKLAND IS THAT?!" you yell.

"Welcome home love~" Arthur greeted.

"Arthur what are you wearing?!" you ask. He only wore his boxers and an apron. "Why the heck are you dressing up as a GAY DANCER?"

Arthur laughed. "Well' I've been thinking about what you said. So I decided to not be a gentleman."

"I didn't mean it!"

"Well I DID."

You could feel your forehead throbbing. "You know what? Forget it. I'm just gonna try out the new dress I bought."

"Want me to help you undress?" Arthur suggested.

"Hell no."

After a few 'minutes' of changing into your new dress you got out of the room. "Arthur, what do you think? Does it make me look fat?" you ask.

"If I said yes would you take it off for me?" Arthur said as he wiggled his sexy eyebrows.

"WTF no!" you shout.

"AAwwww too bad." Arthur pouted. You have to admit, you liked him better before when he isn't acting like a Francis wannabe.

You were getting pissed off. "You know what? I'll just take a shower!" you yell.

Arthur quirked his arousing eyebrows and grinned maliciously. "Really? I might just join you~."

You heated up. It was probably Arthur's comment with a mixture of anger. You couldn't take it anymore.


"Yes love?"


"Are you sure?" Arthur asked. He stood up from the couch. He was twice your height. Giving you a full view of his body.

You could feel yourself drooling. 'AAAGGHH!!!! LICK ME YOU BLOODY BRIT!!" you internally screamed.

"Hey, (y/n). You're spacing out."

You struggled to think of an excuse. "I......It's because of your bulge! I can't take you seriously!" you shout.

"Then why do you keep looking at it?" He smirked.

"Because I can see it obviously!"

Arthur chuckled. "You know you want me (y/n)~". You could feel yourself getting wet-

With sweat. What else?

You smile at Arthur and kiss him on the cheek. "I'm tired. I'll go to sleep." You said.

Arthur laughed. "Don't be surprised if you wake up with your clothes off."

You laughed sarcastically. "Haha, do that and I will call the police."

Arthur raised his hand defensively. "S-sorry, love."

You went to the bedroom and locked the door.

Arthur watched and waited quietly just to make sure coast is clear. After waiting a bit more to make sure you were asleep, Arthur went to the telephone and dialled Francis' number.

The phone rang three times until someone picked up.


"Bon-joor my bloody ass frog."

"Oh Angleterre, It's just you."

"Don't think that I called because you're great or anything, because you're not! I called because your bloody plan worked on (y/n). Apparently, she doesn't like the Francis version of me. Which is great. At least she's starting to appreciate me more."

Francis paused for a moment. "Was that supposed to be a compliment..?"


"Then conversation over." Francis hung up.

"Thank God, this is all over. I've been freezing all day just by wearing these boxers and silly apron!"

A/n: There you have it. England acting like France. It's been a long time since I last updated. My tablet broke down so I won't be able to write as quick as before whenever I get an inspiration..

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- Mayumi


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