Russia x Reader

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Trekking the snowy terrains of Russia is a crappy idea. You ended up getting lost with your friends nowhere in sight. You shiver as you tighten your thick clothes. The strong cold breeze bit your skin. You have no clue how long you've been stranded, but all you know is that your fingers are getting dangerously numb with each time passing.

Fatigue was quickly taking over. Your eyes drooped dangerously as there could be danger lurking about. Nevertheless, you pass out on the soft yet cold cruel snow. Above your frail figure, a tall man with long scarf picked you up.


You wake up; eyes fluttering open. The sound of crackling fire was evident. You look around at an unfamiliar place. A room. A bedroom, to be precise. You sit up straight on the bed and frantically look around and checked your bearings.

Crap. You thought. Someone must've done something to me...! - And worse I probably liked it too.

You double checked to see if your undergarments were still intact and your virginity still there. Fortunately, your clothes are fine. Unfortunately for you, you're still a virgin with no life and no boyfriend.

At the far side of the room your thick coat hung on the rack with your other things on the floor. You now only wore your underclothes, a sweater and loose pants with white socks. You get off the bed, wondering who brought you here. At this point, it was hard to determine whether your host is friend or foe. Shrugging off the fear, you cautiously peer outside the door. After checking if the coast is clear, you walk around the maze-like hallways. Finally, you see an open room. Light flickered bright from inside.

Gathering your confidence, you cautiously call out. "Hello?"

From the chair facing the fire place, a man with pale skin, captivating violet eyes, blonde hair and an innocent expression that could put a child's to shame. He smiled gently at your as he stood from his seat. "Finally, you're awake." He said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." You reply sheepishly.

"Good."He said. "Any longer out in the snow your limbs would've frozen stiff. Good thing it wasn't frozen enough for amputation." He said with a surprisingly gleeful smile.

You gulped. I could've died.

He went closer to you, patting your shoulder. "No need to worry, you're safe now."

You smile back in thanks. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." You introduce.

"Ivan Braginsky." You both shook hands. "You can call me Ivan."

"Is Ivan short for Ivanov or Ivanovich?" You ask out of curiosity. He chuckled in response. "Just Ivan."

You blush in embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

Hungry for you-


You snap out of your thoughts. "What?"

"I said are you hungry?" He repeated again. You shake your head. "No thanks. I need to get home."

Ivan frowned. "You need to eat, and there's a snow storm outside. I don't think it's safe."

"Oh, I see..."

He led you to the dining area. "While you wait for the storm to pass, why don't you eat?"

You reluctantly nod. The dining area is huge as if a Tsar used to dine there on one of his flamboyant meals. "Take a seat." Ivan offered. You sit on one of the chairs; food was already prepared, waiting to be devoured. You gratefully eat a mouthful till your stomach was full. "Thanks for the meal, Ivan!"

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