Switzerland x Reader

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Stay safe, stay at home and just read fanfics.

P.s. I don't know what the hell was going in my mind when I wrote this.

Vash Zwingly has been preparing for total isolation his whole life, but he didn't really expect you to be in it.

His home is like a doomsday bunker.
He's already got food in stock, water, and of course, guns and bullets.
Keep in mind, this is already what his home is like long before quarantine.

You didn't really intend to stay at the Zwingly household. You only intended to hang out with Lily at that time.
But travel ban got ahead of you first, so now you're stuck with Vash and Lily.

"Don't eat too much." Vash grumbled.
"Food is not cheap. You'll let us starve if you keep that up."

It was only day one.

And for the weeks to come, he did not let a single day pass to remind you you're just a guest.

Early in the morning, you decided to take a shower before Vash could catch you and scold you again.

You were singing into the unknown like a crazed seagull while you slathered shampoo in your hair.

Your singing was cut short with a loud knock on the door.
"Occupied!" You shouted.

The knocks have become louder and more erratic.

You sighed. You quickly rinsed and wrapped a towel around your body.

You opened the door, only to be greeted by Vash.

"What took you so long?" He hissed, arms crossed on his chest. "My ears were bleeding from all your screeching and my bladder's about to burst."

You puffed your cheeks. "I thought we made an agreement that I get to use the bathroom for ten minutes?"

"I reduced it to three." He plainly replied. "Besides, you're just a guest. You shouldn't be using the bathroom too long."

"What the heck?!"

"If you complain or exceed the time limit I will not hesitate to shoot."

You scowled and pushed passed him.

"Don't forget this." He said from the bathroom as he dangled your bra in his hand.

You quickly snatch it from his clutches.

"What a jerk..." You mumbled.

For the rest of the week, Vash pestered and scolded you. But of course, everytime he did, Lily always came to the rescue.

On various occasions, you caught Vash sneaking a glance at you whenever you're reading or using your phone.
"What are you looking at?" You accused.

"Something ugly." He spat.
"Sorry, I'm not a mirror."

And during dinnertime you noticed him eyeing you. And whenever your eyes met his, he would quickly avert his gaze and resume eating his food.

'He's planning to kill me.' you thought.

One time, he changed the wifi password.
What a monster.

He wouldn't tell you what it is, even Lily doesn't have a clue.

So you decided to guess the password instead.

You tried typing 'password', 'password123', his birthday, even Lily's.
Of course, those are the typical passwords forgetful idiots usually use.
And Vash is not one of them.

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