💙 Japan x Reader

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                                                  Ai Kotoba

I hope the letters were cringey enough (I know I did)

Something has been bothering Kiku. Someone has been sending him weird letters lately.

"Kiku! that letter's been bothring you a lot." Feliciano said.
"Ja." Ludwig agreed. Kiku sighed. "It is because of this. See for yourself." He unfolded the paper and showed it to his friends.

every time I see you, you remind me of honey.
Just like honey,you are sweet and probably 'sticky'?
I love honey,honey tastes great on crackers~
Honey is very sticky,whenever it falls down on my fingers
I just have to lick it!You ARE likethat.

Ludwig cringed at the letter's overall weirdness. Feliciano didn't seem bothered. "Honey is really great!". Kiku searched in his bag.
"Here's more." He showed them two more letters.

You're just like sugar.You make me hyper and active!
You give me cavities.I gues that's kinda gross.But just
like sugar,I can't get enough of you! goodbye for now!
~anonymus. XOXO

You're just like milk.Pure and white.Well,you're not really white.
You're Asian.I!don't!want!to sound like a pervert!but!this does not have anything to do with your semen (dude wtf)
Sorry about that.Let's forget about that! aboutmmilk...you're clean!because,you know about milk being white and pure.

"You're right, this is bad." Ludwig said. "What should I do Ludwig-san?" Kiku asked. Ludwig thought for a moment. "Have you tried ignoring it?"Kiku nodded. "Maybe we should trace the person!"
Feliciano said. The two looked at Feliciano, it was rare that he actually said something smart.

"That's actually a good idea." Ludwig said. "Hai." Kiku agreed.
"Shall ve begin then?"

The trio huddled together and thought of ways to track down Kiku's mysterious messenger.
"Liz, is this a good letter?" you asked your Hungarian friend.
"Why don't you try a different simile?" She said.
(y/n) sighed. "This is so hard. My other letters are already weird enough. I don't want Kiku to think I'm a big weirdo!"

"What about something different this time. Something you really like. Something you always desire, it has to be sweet. But not too sweet or he'll think your clingy." Elizaveta said.

(y/n) thought for a moment. "Butter?"
Elizaveta sweat dropped."why 'butter'?"she asked. "I love butter, It's so smooth and slippery, not too sweet. I love butter on bread.
Whenever the butter gets on my fingers I lick it until none is left!

"Alright! Maybe that's good enough! Seriously, will you reall lick Kiku like butter 'til none is left of him?" Liz asked.
"No! I'm not like that."
"Try adding an apology at the bottom for all your weird previous letters?" She said.

"Okay." (y/n) said.

The next day......

The Axis, or Kiku,Ludwig and Feliciano have carefully planned how they were going to track down Kiku's mysterious (And probably weird) messenger.

The trio hid inside the conveniently placed trashcans. They peeped outside the trashcan overlooking Kiku's locker. The three waited for what seemed like hours, but I do tend to exaggerate sometimes so it was just probably three minutes?

Kiku waited patiently for someone to go to his locker. Ludwig was getting slightly impatient sitting in trash. Feliciano found something to play with though.

Just then someone came. Ludwig perked up. "Now bruder!" He yelled. Out of nowhere Gilbert popped up and landed on the culprit, covering her head with a potato sack. "Kesese got you know- huh?"

The girl struggled to remove the sack from her head. "What the heck?!" Ludwig,Feliciano,Gilbert and Kiku's eyes widened in surprise. "(y/n)!!!" They all yelled together.

(y/n) looked at them with an annoyed glare except for Kiku.
"Yeah, it's me." She stood up and straightened the crumpled letter she was holding. (y/n) bowed in front of Kiku and held the letter to him. "Please, accept this!"

Kiku gulped. "(y/n)-san, were you the one sending me those weird letters?" He asked. (y/n) nodded. Kiku sighed. "What did they mean? With all the sugar, honey, butter and milk?"
"Are you going to cook something?" Gilbert commented. Ludwig nudged his older brother to shut up, earning a complaint.

(y/n) was flustered. She stuttered out a few inaudible words and took a deep breath.

For a few moments, Feliciano kept quiet until something popped up into his head, other than pasta and girls."Is it a love letter?".
(y/n) turned even more red, Ludwig was overwhelmed with Feliciano's sudden action. Kiku was flustered since he never thought he'd actually get a love letter. Gilbert was laughing in the background.

"(y/n)-san, is that t-true?" Kiku stuttered. (y/n) nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, it was embarrassing. That's why I wrote an apology instead of a love letter today." She admitted.

Kiku blushed redder than a rose.(Spain's tomatoes are overused)
"S-so are we together now?" He asked.
"I guess?"she replied.

Gilbert groaned. "Just kiss you two!" He pushed you in front of Kiku, crashing your lips together. Kiku parted your lips and gasped. "T-that was my first time!"

(y/n) blushed, while Ludwig strangled Gilbert because Kiku could have a heart attack any time now from the shock.

🌸🌸🌸🍙 |     THE END.      |🍙🌸🌸🌸

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