💙Chibi!Romano x Reader

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You were broke, so you decided to do some part-time work. You found an Italian couple who were so desperate for a babysitter.
They promised a large amount of money if you were willing to babysit their son for one day.

You were now at their doorstep. You rang the doorbell and waited for the couple. You heard someone run to the door.

It was the woman you met. "Grazie very much! We thought you'd never come!" The woman yelled. "If you'll excuse us, we're in a big hurry!" She ran to her car, her husband following shortly after while bringing loads of suitcases.

The couple left without telling you any sort of rule. You entered the spacious house. Everything was flamboyant and flashy.

You saw the little boy you were going to babysit, he's currently sitting on the couch while eating pizza.

You went closer to him. "Hi! I'm (y/n), your babysitter." You said.
The little boy scoffed. "Lovino." He took another glance at you.
"Since your a bella ragazza I will be a bit more nice!" Lovino yelled.

You can feel yourself exploding because of Lovino's cuteness. You were so busy staring at Lovino, he noticed. "Stop that!"
"But you're so cute!" You answered. Lovino blushed deep red.
"Oh look! You're as red as a tomato!" You squeeled.

Lovino covered his face. You knelt down and tried to comfort him. "I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" Lovino nodded.
But still covered his face.

You noticed a hair sticking out."Oh Lovi, you're hair is sticking out. I should comb it." You brought out a comb from your bag.
"No-" before Lovino can finish his protest, you combed his curl. "Why won't it go down. It keeps sticking up." You forced the hair to straighten. But each attempt was useless.

Lovino blushed even more. "Stop it ragazza!"
You stopped combing his hair. "Sorry..." You apologised. "Apology accepted, Idiota bella ragazza." Lovino said.

You felt offended by Lovino's 'unique' nickname for you. 'I'm not an idiota.' You thought.
You sat on the couch and massaged your forehead. 'It's only been a few minutes and he's already making me tired.'

"I'm hungry!" Lovino yelled. You and Lovino went into the kitchen. You opened the fridge and looked for something Lovino would probably eat. "Do you want some ice cream?" You asked.
"How about milk and cookies?". " That would be fine."he answered. You took aout a carton of milk and a bowl of cookies.
You put them down on the table in front of Lovino.
"It's too much!". He was completely pissing you off. You can feel your blood boil, just the thought of spending a few more hours with Lovino.

Then an idea struck you. You grinned, the same grin the grinch made when he found out he could ruin christmas.
"Hey Lovi~" you said in a sing song voice. "What?" He irritatedly said.

You hugged Lovino from behind, your boobies pressing on to his back. Lovino heated up. "Do you know something like..."
"W-what?" Lovino shakily asked.

You smirked. Your plan was gonna reach it's climax. "Something white..."
"-and?" Lovino added. "-sticky, It comes from girls too."

Lovino blushed intensely. "Would you drink it if I gave it to you?"
you asked. Lovino nodded shakily.

"So you'd finish the milk then?" Lovino perked up. "Wait? What?! That was it?". You cheekily smiled and nodded.

Lovino, reluctantly and disappointedly drank and finished the glass of milk.
After giving Lovino his snack, you plopped yourself on the couch and relaxed.

Your rest was cut off when you heard Lovino shout. "I'm bored!". You sighed. " Fine. What do you want?"

He grabbed your hand and led you to a Master's bedroom. He pulled out something from under the bed. "Read me this!" He shoved an erotic magazine at your face.

You blushed. The women on the magazine made you feel uncomfortable, but Lovino doesn't seem to be affected...
"L-Lovino, isn't this a little too...advanced for you?" You asked.

Lovino frowned and pouted. "But papa always reads me this before bed time!"
'Now I know why Lovino is like this.' You thought.

You decided to give in. You brought Lovino to his own room and laid him on the bed. Lovino tucked himself and waited patiently.

With one more look at the 'story book' you cringed. You took a deep breath and started reading, it made you feel worse since you added the phrase 'once upon a time', which is kinda a big lie since most of the events and actions the people did in the magazine wasn't really 'once'.

Lovino was fast asleep. Twenty painful minutes of reading and rereading the accursed magazine.

You sighed with relief. You went outside Lovino's room and went to the living room. You tiredly sat on a chair. You checked your phone for the time, 7:20.

you plugged in your earphones and listened to
(insert your favorite song). You lowered the volume a bit so wouldn't be completely disconnected from the outside.

As you were listening, you heard something crash. You headed to the sound's direction.

Lovino was in the hallway, apparently he accidentally broke the vase. Lovino accidentally hit the vase while dragging his wet blanket.

You couldn't help but laugh. "Lovi, did you wet your bed?"
"No! A squirrel wet my bed without my permission!" He shouted.
"You do know that there aren't any squirrels in this area, right?"

Lovino went red. " Aaggh! S-stupid idiota!".
You laughed and helped Lovino hide the evidence.

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